What's new
See all changes with previous release on 0.24.0...0.25.0
Major update
- new pipeline export format
- download page on UI
- ./worker update [--from-github|--api]
- ./cdsctl update [--from-github|--api]
- ./engine update [--from-github|--api]
On new CDS Workflows
- user information about new CDS Workflow (#1793)
- import / export workflow (cdsctl)
- fix (hooks): update / delete scheduler (#1796)
- feat(ui): add branch list into payload (#1813)
Important - Migrate CDS from a previous version < 0.22.0
Two new services are availables, to start them with CDS API, you have to lauch : ./engine start api hooks vcs
If you use a previous version of CDS with VCS (github / gitlab / bitbucket) you need to install this release 0.22.0.
This release contains code to migrate existing VCS to new uService. The next release won't contains this code anymore.