This package is DEPRECATED since std::move
support is merged to Cython and available as of v0.29.17 (2020-04-26).
cymove is a header (pxd) only wrapper around C++11 std::move
function. It
allows using move semantics from cython code.
pip install cymove
# distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.memory cimport make_shared, shared_ptr, nullptr
from cymove cimport cymove as move
cdef shared_ptr[int] ptr1, ptr2
cdef int* raw_ptr
ptr1 = make_shared[int](5)
raw_ptr = ptr1.get()
ptr2 = move(ptr1)
assert ptr2.get() == raw_ptr
assert ptr1 == nullptr
Compile & run:
$ cythonize -3 -i example.pyx
$ python3 -c "import example"