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Patrick Chevalley edited this page Jun 23, 2019 · 14 revisions


Indistarter is a simple program to configure and run a INDI server to connect your astronomical equipment.


You can download pre-compiled binary for Linux and macOS from

Or on Debian or Ubuntu you can add the Skychart apt repository , then install with "apt install indistarter".


The first time you run indistarter you are presented with an empty screen.
You need to complete the initial Configuration before you can use the program.

When ready do the following to start the server:

main screen

Click the Start button to start the server and the configured drivers.

start screen

The light turn to green when the server and the drivers are started.

A right click menu let you restart or stop a driver individually.

right click

The server is now started and the drivers loaded but before you can use them you need to connect the driver to the equipment. You can do that with your preferred application software or using the INDI client integrated to indistarter.

client screen



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