This repository consists of scripts and files used for preparing experiments for the paper.
- Python 3.7
- PyTorch 1.7.1
- nlcodec 0.3.0
- RTG 0.4.0
- indicnlp 0.0.1 (Used for tokenization of data in hi)
The code is basically divided into modules and scripts that can be used to :
- Prepare single runnable experiment ( to be directly used by using RTG ) given the config files / arguments.
- Prepare a batch of runnable experiments from the given config file / arguments.
- Get the list of ngrams / skipgrams / mwes , sorted by metric.
- Simple test scripts : check the encoding / decoding process for a scheme.
src ------- lib --------
| |---
|-- tests ------
|-- misc
|-- ( Incomplete )
The directory consists of sub-modules that are required for the data preparation task.
This script creates a single experiment run that can be directly used in RTG ( currently addition of _PREPARED and con.yml is manual).
The script can be provided with either a config file or the other way is pass them as arguments to this script.
Here are simple example use cases of the script:
python -m make_single -c ../data/confs/sample.single.yml -w ../data/runs.single/
Here the argument -c (--conf_file) refers to the config file to be used for preparing the run and argument -w (--work_dir) refers to the working directory in which we need to save the prepared vocabs and data.
The script creates a batch of experiment given the right parameters.
The parameters that can vary to create range of experiments are :
- vocab_size
- max_ngrams / max_skipgrams
Configs / Parameters can be provided in the same way as mentioned above for script.
Here are some sample use cases of the following script:
This script is mainly to be used for analysis / testing purpose. The main objective is to get and save a list of ngrams / skipgrams based on different sorting metrics, etc.
Here is a sample usage of the above script:
python -m get_lists -c ../data/confs/sample.single.yml -w ../data/runs.single/ --sorted_ngrams
All the scripts mentioned above can work with the same config script. This is an example of a sample script file:
train_src: ../data.simp/ds/enhi/train.hi.tok
train_tgt: ../data.simp/ds/enhi/train.en.tok
valid_src: ../data.simp/ds/enhi/dev.hi.tok
valid_tgt: ../data.simp/ds/enhi/dev.en.tok
truncate: True
src_len: 512
tgt_len: 512
shared: False
max_src_types: 4000
max_tgt_types: 4000
pieces: ngram
# src_pieces: bpe
# tgt_pieces: bpe
min_freq: 100
ngram_sorter: naive_pmi
- 2
- 3
max_ngrams: 400
Here are all the different parameters that can be specified for creating the experiments:
train_src : type=Path, help='Path to the train src file'
train_tgt : type=Path, help='Path to the train tgt file'
valid_src : type=Path, help='Path to the validation src file'
valid_tgt : type=Path, help='Path to the validation tgt file'
truncate : type=bool, default=True, help='If true, truncates the sequence with larger lengths'
src_len : type=int, help='Maximum src sequence length', default=512
tgt_len : type=int, help='Maximum tgt sequence length', default=512
shared : type=bool, default=False, help='Flag representing if the vocabulary is shared or not'
max_types : type=int, help='Maximum shared types ( if shared == True )'
max_src_types : type=int, help='Maximum src vocab types'
max_tgt_types : type=int, help='Maximum tgt vocab types'
pieces : type=str, choices=['char', 'word', 'bpe', 'ngram', 'skipgram', 'mwe'], default='bpe', help='Scheme for preparing the vocabulary'
ngram_sorter : type=str, default='freq',choices=['freq', 'naive_pmi', 'avg_pmi', 'min_pmi'], help='Sorter function to be used for ngrams'
include_ngrams : type=int, nargs='+', help='List of ngrams to be included in the vocabulary'
max_ngrams : type=int, help='Maximum ngrams to be included in the vocab'
skipgram_sorter : type=str, default='freq', choices=['freq', 'skip_pmi'], help='Sorter function to be used for skipgrams'
include_skipgrams : type=int, nargs='+', help='List of skipgrams to be included in the vocab'
max_skipgrams : type=int, help='Maximum skipgrams to be included in the vocab'
min_freq : type=int, help='Minimum frequency for ngrams / sgrams / mwes'
min_instances : type=int, help='Minimum number of instances', default=0
max_instance_probs : type=float, help='Maximum prob for an sgram instance', default=0.1