A Sass based grid system - columns & percentage. Created in Belgium by Gert Pellens. Checkout the available demo.
##1. Installation
###1.1 Installation with compass
$ git clone https://github.com/pellens/Sass-grid.git
$ cd /Sass-grid
$ compass install compass
$ compass watch
Make sure you are able to install Compass and have defined your grid settings in /sass/grid.scss
###1.2 Installation without compass
- Copy
file to your projectfolder - Add the CSS file to your HTML
<link type="text/css" href="grid.css"/>
##2. Examples
###2.1 Column based grid
<div class="row">
// Basic markup
<div class="col-6">6 columns wide</div>
<div class="col-6">6 columns wide</div>
// With viewport classes
<div class="col-6 col-tablet-8">6 columns wide, 8 columns on tablet viewport</div>
<div class="col-6 col-tablet-4">6 columns wide, 4 columns on tablet viewport</div>
###2.2 Percentage based grid
<div class="row">
// Basic markup
<div class="grid-50">50% wide</div>
<div class="grid-50">50% wide</div>
// With viewport classes
<div class="grid-50 tablet-100">50% wide, 100% on tablet viewport</div>
<div class="grid-50 tablet-100">50% wide, 100% on tablet viewport</div>
###2.3 Pushing a grid-element
You can push a grid element by the width of a column:
// Column based push
<div class="col-6 col-push-3">6 columns wide, pushed 3 columns to the right</div>
// Percentage based push
<div class="grid-50 push-25">50% wide, pushed 25% to the right</div>
##3. Customize
Since every client or project has it's own requirements, we have to take this into account when setting up the gridsystem. You can customize:
- viewport breakpoints
- breakpoint titles
- number of columns
- gutter width
- container width
###3.1 Viewports
Define your own viewport names and sizes in grid.scss:
$viewports_width : '960px', '800px', '600px', '400px';
$viewports_title : 'desktop', 'tablet', 'phablet', 'mobile';
See the table of generated classes at the end of this document...
###3.2 Number of columns
Define the number of columns for your column based grid:
$columns : 12; // 12 as default
###3.3 Gutter of columns
To define spaces (gutters) between the column based gridelements, we adjust the amount as following:
$grid_gutter : 2%;
###3.4 Maximum container width
Define your maximum container width in which your grid will deliver it's awesomeness:
$max_width : 1200px;
##4. Generated classes
Class | Values | Example | Viewport | Type |
grid-* | 1 - 100 | grid-50 | Default | Percentage |
desktop-* | 1 - 100 | desktop-25 | < 960px | Percentage |
tablet-* | 1 - 100 | tablet-50 | < 800px | Percentage |
phablet-* | 1 - 100 | phablet-75 | < 600px | Percentage |
mobile-* | 1 - 100 | mobile-100 | < 400px | Percentage |
grid-push-* | 1 - 100 | grid-50 | Default | Percentage (push to right) |
desktop-push-* | 1 - 100 | desktop-25 | < 960px | Percentage (push to right) |
tablet-push-* | 1 - 100 | tablet-50 | < 800px | Percentage (push to right) |
phablet-push-* | 1 - 100 | phablet-75 | < 600px | Percentage (push to right) |
mobile-push-* | 1 - 100 | mobile-100 | < 400px | Percentage (push to right) |
col-* | 1 - $columns | col-8 | Default | Column |
col-desktop-* | 1 - $columns | col-desktop-6 | < 960px | Column |
col-tablet-* | 1 - $columns | col-tablet-6 | < 800px | Column |
col-phablet-* | 1 - $columns | col-phablet-12 | < 600px | Column |
col-mobile-* | 1 - $columns | col-mobile- 12 | < 400px | Column |
col-push-* | 1 - $columns | col-push-3 | Default | Column (push to right) |
col-desktop-push-* | 1 - $columns | col-desktop-push-1 | < 960px | Column (push to right) |
col-tablet-push-* | 1 - $columns | col-tablet-push-2 | < 800px | Column (push to right) |
col-phablet-push-* | 1 - $columns | col-phablet-push-1 | < 600px | Column (push to right) |
col-mobile-push-* | 1 - $columns | col-mobile- push-2 | < 400px | Column (push to right) |