Server for GPIO Controller phone applications
- Clone this repository into your Raspberry Pi
- Create a virtualenv environment and install the dependencies
- Start the server
- Have fun!
# Installation on Pi
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # or on Windows: .venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
pip install -e '.[raspi]'
run-server # by default runs on port 8000, use '-p PORTNUM' to change to another port
If you want to install dependencies for testing, you can use the following
pip install -e '.[test]'
# or on the Pi itself:
pip install -e '.[raspi,test]'
# running tests:
coverage run
coverage xml # JUnit reporting
coverage html # HTML reporting
This is the third rewrite of this server, but this should be the easiest to interact with. Main features for this version are:
- FastAPI usage instead of Flask
- This allows for OpenAPI clients to interact with the server
- Cleaner code