Install Azure CLI
Install Bicep CLI
Install Azure Az PowerShell module
Install Bicep VS Code extension
New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -TemplateFile main.bicep -TemplateParameterFile param.json -Location "swedencentral" -Name Deploy$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
Name | Description |
alert01 | Service Health Alerts |
alert02 | Log Analytics query alerts |
alert03 | Log Analytics query alerts with suppression rule |
alert04 | VM resource health alerts |
apiconnection01 | API connection |
applicationgateway01 | Azure Application Gateway Public IIS |
applicationgateway02 | Multi site listeners, https, cert, redirect, rewrites |
applicationinsights01 | Application Insights with Availability Test |
appserviceplan01 | Azure App Service Plan integrated with vnet |
appserviceplan02 | Google Tag Manager with Availability test |
appserviceplan03 | ITglue integration |
appserviceplan04 | App service with PEP and Vnet integration |
appserviceplan05 | PEP for slots |
appserviceplan06 | Install Azure App Service Managed Certificate |
appserviceplan07 | Install Azure App Service Certificate + Custom Domain |
appserviceplan08 | App service + SQL + PEP + ASP.NET app deployment |
automationaccount01 | Schedule On-Demand Azure File Share Snapshots |
automationaccount02 | Action group triggers runbook webhook |
availabilityset01 | Availability set VMs combined with Non-availability set VMs |
availabilityset02 | Multiple availability sets |
avm_applicationgateway01 | agw, kv, log, pdnsz |
avm_functionapp01 | vnet, pep, storage, app service plan |
avm_vnet01 | vnet, subnet, nsg, pdnsz, rbac |
azurefirewall01 | Azure Firewall Policy - DNAT, Network, Application rule |
azurefirewall02 | AGW routed through AFW |
backupvault01 | Backup vault, storage account & disk |
certificates01 | Certificates + lock |
citrix01 | Citrix NetScaler(ADC) with high-availability(HA) |
containerregistry01 | azure container registry - push/pull docker image |
datacollectionrule01 | Data collection rule, custom logs ingestion, REST API |
datadactory01 | Data factory, Databricks, Synapse |
deploymentscript01 | Create EntraId groups & Add managed identity as member |
diag01 | Diagnostic settings |
dns01 | Microsoft.Network/dnsZones |
dns02 | Microsoft.Network/dnsZones-array |
dnspr01 | DNS private resolver inbound endpoint |
entrads01 | Entra Domain Services, cidrSubnet, function |
frontdoor01 | Virtual machines, Github |
frontdoor02 | Front Door, Endpoints, WAF, Private Link Services |
functionapp01 | Linux, Windows, Dotnet, DevOps, Pep, Yaml |
functionapp02 | win, linux, auth, app reg, pep, cert, slots, cidr, function |
functionapp03 | event grid triggers function and creates a blob |
keyvault01 | Create Secrets for VMs |
keyvault02 | Create Secrets for VMs - multiple modules |
keyvault03 | uniqueString() to generate password |
kubernetes01 | Azure Kubernetes services |
kubernetes02 | Azure Kubernetes services - Azure CNI |
loadbalancer01 | Internal Azure Load Balancer with Rules |
loadbalancer02 | External Load Balancer |
logicapp01 | AD password expiration email, storage table entra id support |
logicapp02 | Resource Graph Query - email |
logicapp03 | Copy blobs |
maintenance01 | Dynamic scopes |
peering01 | Virtual network peering |
policy01 | Custom policies |
policy02 | Cloud Adoption Framework |
privatelink01 | Load Balancer with Private Link connected to another vnet |
privatelink02 | Private Endpoint - Fileshare - Peering - Vnet-to-Vnet |
privatelink03 | Storage Account, All Private Endpoints, User Defined Types |
privatelink04 | Private Endpoint for Azure SQL |
privatelink05 | Log Analytics & Appilcation Insight PL to Azure Monitor |
privatelink06 | Private Endpoint for File, Blob |
rbac01 | Multiple roles |
rbac02 | Tenant Root Group assignment |
recoveryservicevault01 | Recovery Service Valut & Private endpoint |
runcommand01 | powershell script |
searchservice01 | Search service + Sql + Pep + Automated approval |
siterecovery01 | Azure Site Recovery |
storageaccount01 | Storage Account, All Private Endpoints, User Defined Types |
storageaccount02 | Fileshare with backup |
subscription01 | Create subscriptions |
tags01 | Tags - comparison operators |
template01 | VNET |
template02 | 3 VNETs |
template03 | A virtual machine with bastion |
tenant01 | Azure landing zone |
virtualdesktop01 | Host Pool, App Group, Workspace, FXLogix, Registry settings |
virtualdesktop02 | Azure Virtual Desktop with Azure AD Domain Services |
virtualdesktop03 | Azure Virtual Desktop 100% |
virtualmachine01 | VM extension: AD Domain Services |
virtualmachine02 | VM extension: AD Domain Services + Join Domain |
virtualmachine03 | VM extension: IIS |
virtualmachine04 | VM extension: Nginx on Linux |
virtualmachine05 | Create a VM from an image |
virtualmachine06 | Availability sets - filter() function |
virtualmachine07 | Add Log Analytics to existing VMs |
virtualmachine08 | A template to deploy Azure Monitor Agent |
virtualnetworkgateway01 | Multiple S2S-connections, Key Vault Secret |
virtualnetworkgateway02 | Virtual network gateway: VNet-to-VNet connection |
virtualnetworkgateway03 | Virtual network gateway: Azure AD authentication |
virtualnetworkgateway04 | S2S VPN between subscriptions with BGP |
vmgallery01 | VM gallery, VM image definition and VM image version |
vmgallery02 | VM gallery with VM deployment |
vmss01 | VM scale set for DevOps Linux & Windows(Legacy) |
vmss02 | VM scale set for DevOps |
wan01 | Azure Virtual WAN with P2S configuration |
wan02 | Virtual network connections and VPN sites |