This is a repository that guides how to deploy a weather app on
- Find the location you want to view on the map and use the mouse to hover over it.
- In the tab named 'Weather,' it will display weather information at that location, including: Location, Humidity, Temperature, Feels Like, Weather Condition, Visibility, Wind Speed.
- In the 'Forecast' tab, a Line chart will display the weather forecast for the selected location for the next 5 days, including information about temperature (temp), feels_like, temp_min, temp_max, pressure, sea_level, grnd_level (ground level), humidity, speed, deg, gust.
- Go to Open Weather Map and sign in (or sign up if you do not have any account).
- Get API Keys
Note: Use RStudio to code this app. Link to download here. Go to app.R and see the functions which I built carefully:
- get_weather_info: to get the information of weather .
- get_forecast: to get the forecast of weather in specific location within 5 days.
- ui: to set up the UI for your app. It contains 2 tabnames: Weather & Forecast.
- server: process the logic to display your app.
If you want to test your app in localhost, you can click on RunApp (recommend choose Run in Viewer Pane mode)
- Create an account on
- Click on "Tokens"
- Click on "Show" -> "Show Secret" -> "Copy to Clipboard"
- Click on the publish icon (which is right of RunApp icon) and choose "Clear List" (if necessary)
- Choose "Publish Application..."
- Add account by clicking on "Add New Account" -> "" -> paste Token -> "Connect Account"
- Choose all files and set title name
- Click on "Publish" and wait to deploy!!!
- As soon as finish the deployment, on the, you can see your app here.
- Click on the URL which is hidden in "Name" you can see in above image (e.g: "lab4"), this is information about the app.
You can explore more by yourself!!!
Thanks for reading!!! Have a nice day!!!
Other sources you can refer to
Author: Pham Nguyet