use -f to specify either the ubuntu or alpine docker file
git clone --recursive
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine -t pimlie/docker-tribler-vnc --build-arg vnc=yes docker-tribler-vnc
Use by adding --build-arg VAR=VALUE
to your docker build command
- Default:
Specify withyes
to build your image with vnc support
- Default:
Specify withyes
to build your image with novnc support (vnc though the browser)
- Default
If specified withyes
, adds git and doesnt install a tribler release. You will need to clone the repository and checkout a branch yourself
- Default
The uid for the tribler user in the container
- Default
The gid for the tribler group in the container
- Default ``
If you want to install a specific release, define the tag (see the Tribler github repository for a list of available tags). E.g.
- Default
false Specify with
true` to install the latest pre-release
- Default
Specify which port vnc should run on, can also be set with an environment variable
- Default
Specify which port novnc should run on, can also be set with an environment variable
- Default
Specify which port novnc should use internally for websockify, you should probably not have to change this unless you run the container with--network=host
Use by adding -e VAR=VALUE
to your docker run command
- Default
Specify which port vnc should run on, can also be set with an environment variable
- Default
Specify which port novnc should run on, can also be set with an environment variable
- Default
This value is passed to Xvfb for vnc and novnc builds and specifies the resolution of the virtual window
sudo docker run -d --init \
-v /home/tribler/.Tribler:/home/tribler/.Tribler \
-v /my/download/folder:/TriblerDownloads \
-e SCREEN_RESOLUTION="1280x1024x16" \
--name docker-tribler-vnc \
Tribler runs as a new user tribler in the docker container, this user has by default uid 1000
. When binding folders you need to make sure the local user with the same uid has write access to those folders
Then browse to http://<host_ip>:6080 or open a connection to port 5900 with your favorite vnc viewer
- add possibility to use a password for vnc