From: Mark Big <[email protected]>
Subject: Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant!
Recently I've been really into Ancient Rome and Gladiator fights and stuff.
I've watched Spartacus and played Swords & Sandals for dozens of hours.
I think that we have some spare budget for a little inside-project,
so I would like to task you with creating a Gladiator Tournament simulator!
You will find the user stories and the details in the attachment below.
Oh, this guy again. Well, let's get to it!
In this project, your primary goal is to design and create logic behind the Gladiator Tournament simulator. It means that the program is going to work in the terminal at first, but later we would like to port it to a GUI version. The main focus is on the object-oriented approach, and the separation of concerns.
- advanced OOP - abstraction, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism and encapsulation
- practical usage of the Model-View-Controller design pattern
- a little bit of math ;)
Implement the
class that will be used as the view module for the Colosseum.- Class
implements theViewable
interface. - The 'display()' method makes a string be printed out to the terminal.
- The
method uses the standard terminal input and loops until an acceptable (i.e. within the given inclusive bounds) input is provided by the user.
- Class
Create a base class for all gladiator types, and four subclasses: Swordsman, Archer, Assassin, and Brutal.
- There is a
abstract class that provides all necessary functionalities for all its subclasses. - The
method returns the full name of the gladiator assembled from his type and name (e.g. "Brutal Brutus", "Archer Leo"). - The gladiator's level can be incremented by invoking
method, and accessed viagetLevel
method. - There is a StatisticMultiplier enum type, which has three values: Low, Medium and High.
- The values of StatisticMultiplier enum type have the following values: Easy - 0.75, Medium - 1.0, High - 1.25
- Within
class, there are threeprotected
functions returning multipliers for its HP, SP, and DEX statistics, respectively. The functions MUST then be implemented by every subclass ofGladiator
. - Within
class, there are three public functions returning the maximum available values of the gladiator's statistics (HP, SP, and DEX, respectively). The available value is calculated by the following formula:maximumStatistic = baseStatistic × statisticMultiplier × level
- Every gladiator has a current health value. This is decreasing during a combat when receiving hits by the enemy. When this goes below zero, the gladiator dies.
- There is a
subclass ofGladiator
. Its multipliers are: HP: medium, SP: medium, DEX: medium - There is an
subclass ofGladiator
. Its multipliers are: HP: medium, SP: medium, DEX: high. - There is an
subclass ofGladiator
. Its multipliers are: HP: low, SP: high, DEX: high. - There is a
subclass ofGladiator
. Its multipliers are: HP: high, SP: high, DEX: low.
- There is a
Implement the
class for creatingGladiator
instances.- The
method randomly generates a new instance of one of the implemented subclasses ofGladiator
. TheSwordsman
subclass is twice more likely to be created than any other subclass. - HP, SP and DEX base statistics are assigned to a random value from range
, and LVL is assigned to a random value from range[1-5]
. - Only one static Random object is used for randomization throughout the whole project.
- The
Implement the
class for simulating duels between gladiators. The fighting mechanic is the same for allGladiator
subclasses. The combat simulation is turn based (A attacks B, then B attacks A, and so on).- The
class provides methods to be used in battle simulation:decreaseHpBy()
. - The
method runs the simulation of the whole fight. If any of the gladiators' current health becomes non-positive (<= 0) after an attack, the combat is finished, and the attacker is returned as the winner - If one of the opponents is
, the winner is the one that is notnull
. If both of the opponents arenull
, the return value isnull
- The first attacker is selected randomly, then the two gladiators take turns
- During each turn, the attacker can either hit the enemy or miss. The chance of hit is calculated by the following method. Take the dexterity difference:
attackerDex - defenderDex
which must then be clamped (forced into the range[10-100]
). For example:attackerDex = 10; defenderDex = 120; -> attackerDex - defenderDex = -110; after clamping it is 10
. The clamped value is the percentage chance of the attacker hitting the enemy. - If the attacker hits the enemy, the damage reduced from the enemy's current health. The damage is calculated by integer value of the following formula:
damage = attackerSp × R
is a random number from range[0.1-0.5]
- Combat class saves logs in a
that can be accessed viagetCombatLog()
method. - If the attacker hits the enemy, the following log is persisted:
"X deals D damage"
, whereX
is the attacker's name andD
is the damage - If the attacker misses, the following log is persisted:
"X missed"
, whereX
is the attacker's name - At the end of the combat, the following log is persisted: "X has died, Y wins!", where
are the loser and winner gladiator's name, respectively - Only one static Random object is used for randomization throughout the whole project.
- The
Implement a
class that will be used for arranging and invoking combats in the ColosseumTournament
will hold pair of contestants that will fight in it. If there are many pairs, they are being pushed down on this tree-like structure effectively expanding it. Check out this example: ``` Julius |----____ Petros | |-----____ Remus | |----____ Linus
- The `Tournament` can be constructed both with one and multiple values
- The `add()` and `addAll()` methods are used for adding new `Contestants` to the Tournament.
- The `Tournament` is balanced - gladiators that make it to the final round should have same amount of fights behind them.
6. Implement the `Colosseum` class which serves as a main controller for the simulation. It generates participants, build a Tournament tree out of them, and executes the combats starting from the lowest level of the tree to get the final champion. During the simulation it communicates verbosely with the View.
- The `generateGladiators()` method creates new gladiator instances using the `GladiatorFactory` provided in the constructor.
- The `splitGladiatorsIntoPairs()` method takes a list of gladiators and groups them in pairs that will fight during the Tournament.
- The `simulateCombat()` method executes a combat and logs the events to the View in the following form:
Duel Jupiter versus Nero: Swordsman Jupiter (371/371 HP, 623 SP, 476 DEX, 7 LVL) Brutal Nero (790/790 HP, 560 SP, 498 DEX, 8 LVL)
- Jupiter missed
- Nero deals 245 damage
- Jupiter missed
- Nero deals 183 damage Swordsman Jupiter has died, Brutal Nero wins!
- The winner of each combat has his level increased by one (which then affects his stats), then healed-up back to the available HP.
- The `getChampion()` method takes a `Tournament`, simulates a series of combats according to the fight hierarchy starting from the bottom, and returns the final winner as the champion.
7. [OPTIONAL] Instead of having `"X deals D damage"` and `X missed"` all the time (booooring), implement custom messages for each `Gladiator` subclass.
- Every `Gladiator` subclass has its own set of custom messages for hitting and missing targets. The messages must contain the original references for the attacker's name and the amount of damage.
8. [OPTIONAL] Implement a "Kill or Spare" mechanic that allows loosing gladiators to survive and later fight in another Colosseum. There is no sparing in the second Colosseum.
- At the end of each fight, the crowd randomly decides whether the loosing gladiator should be spared. The chance of being spared is 25%
- After the end of the original event in the Colosseum the spared gladiators are put into a new tournament tree and have a second Tournament and a subsequent champion
- There is no sparing in the second Colosseum
9. [OPTIONAL] Implement a weapon effect system that can cause additional damage or other advantages during combat.
- Upon creation of a `Gladiator` there is a 10% chance that he will be granted with a special weapon effect. The effect is then randomly chosen from the ones mentioned below. The special weapon effects are displayed in the detailed view of the gladiator when announcing the combats
- Bleeding - there is a 5% chance that upon receiving a hit, the enemy will start bleeding and will be receiving additional damage each turn (2% of his available HP per turn) until the end of the combat. There can be "multiple bleedings" at the same time with additive effects
- Poison - there is a 20% chance that upon receiving a hit, the enemy gets poisoned and will be receiving additional damage for next 3 turns (5% of his available HP per turn). If poisoned again, the receiver immediately dies
- Burning - there is a 15% chance that upon receiving a hit, the enemy is set on fire and will be receiving additional damage for a random amount of turns (in range `[1-5]`) (5% of his available HP per turn). If set on fire again, the duration of the burning is extended by a random amount of turns (in range `[1-5]`)
- Paralyzing - there is a 10% chance that upon receiving a hit, the enemy is paralyzed which makes him unable to attack and to defend himself during the next 3 turns (so effectively skips 3 attacks and receives 3 hits for sure). If paralyzed again, the duration of the paralyzed state is reset to 3 turns
- Using the weapon effect system you have implemented, create an effect of your own. Will it be freezing, magic, or something else? Be creative!
## General requirements
## Hints
- As you may have noticed, there are a lot of numbers in this project.
Don't just put them into your code without explanation. Remember, using
"magic numbers" is bad practice!
- Manage all randomization through the pre-created static `Random` object
in `Utils`. In this case, if a "random seed" is provided to the `Random`
constructor, the tournament will be _exactly_ reproducible. Check it out!
- The `Colosseum` class is provided with a View and a `GladiatorFactory`
instance. It does not have to worry about either the details or the
instantiation of these objects. This pattern is called _dependency
injection_, the best way to decouple parts of our code. You'll hear
a lot about this later on.
- The hardest part of this project is to build up the Tournament tree, and also the "execution" of combats.
The Tournament itself is a recursive structure, and both processes require a recursive approach.
Some example use cases with explanation should make it easier to understand.
- When a Tournament with just 1 pair of contestants is created, `leftBranch` and `rightBranch` remain uninitialized, for we don't need them yet.
- When the second pair is added, we divide the Tournament in 2 branches. Old value (first pair) becomes value of the `leftBranch`, and the new pair gets to be the value of `rightBranch`. At this point we have 3 instances of the Tournament - first one, and its 2 branches. Last thing to do now is to assign `null` as the value of the first Tournament. Later on, this will be swapped for winners of subbranches.
- When more contestants are added, our job is to add them on each side evenly, to keep the Tournament balanced. We do it simply by calling `add()` method on the `leftBranch` and the `rightBranch` alternately.
## Background materials
- [Model-view-controller](
- [How to design classes](project/curriculum/materials/pages/java/
- [Enums](project/curriculum/materials/pages/java/
- [Polymorphism](project/curriculum/materials/pages/java/
- [Polymorphism](
- [Random seed](