Multi-algorithm, multi-platform, miner manager program. Mining supported on NVIDIA, AMD, and CPU platforms.
This is not another fork based on MultiPoolMiner (NemosMiner, SniffDogMiner, MegaMiner, NPlusMiner and etc). This is a fully new, from scratch source code, written by myself with a smarter miner manager program as the goal.
If anyone has a claim to any of it post your case in the Discord or Bitcoin Talk Forum on english or russian or create issue.
You may configure and further fine-tune any supported miner as well, by modifying its accompanying config.txt
- Online monitoring on MindMiner site
- Accounting power consumption
- Very small
- Low memory use ~60Mb
- Self update
- User confirm for benchmarks and new pools
- No memory leak
- Small CPU usage
- Fast switch for most profit algo/coin
- Very configurable
- Different verbose level
- Pools actual balance
- Actual, up-to-date miners (if not, write me)
- Up to three currencies (supported list)
- Api Pools proxy for more then 7 rigs (prevent blocking api pools request)
- Api/status server (
- Switching resistance by percentage and/or timeout
- Dual mining on Claymore Ethereum & Bminer
- Run process before & after execution of miner
- Account accepted & rejected shares
- Failover pools support
- Rentals pool support (MiningRigRentals)
Pools (full list)
- AhashPool
- BlazePool
- BlockMasters
- MiningPoolHub
- MiningRigRentals
- NiceHash
- NLPool
- ZergPool
- Zpool
Miners (full list)
- ccminer (any)
- сlaymore ethereum (dual)
- сlaymore neoscrypt
- cpuminer (any)
- cpuminer-opt/bf
- cryptodredge
- ethminer
- gminer
- lolminer
- phoenix (ethash)
- sgminer (any)
- srbm-multi
- t-rex
- teamred
- wildrig
- xmrig all
- xmr-stak
- z-enemy
- archive (bminer, cast xmr, claymore cn/zcash, dstm, ewbf, gatelessgate, hsrminer, jce, nheqminer & other)
PowerShell 5.1
- Windows 10 x64 or Server 2016 already contain PowerShell 5.1
- For Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, Server 2008 R2 SP1, 2012, 2012 R2 install PowerShell 5.1 by link.
- PowerShell requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or above.
Windows 64-bit edition required as most of the miners releases are compiled as x64 and support only x64 platforms.
Please install both x64 and x86 versions:
- Visual C++ Redistributable 2015, 2017, 2019 x64 x86
- Visual C++ Redistributable 2013
Visual C++ Redistributable 2012
If use CPU mining please allow lock page support in OS to double CryptoNight algorithm profit (XMR).
Download to any folder. Unpack and may create
(see config section) or just run "run.bat" and enter BTC wallet and other asked data.
Config (full manual)
Place simple config.txt
file into programm folder with json content
"Wallet": { "BTC": "Your BTC wallet" },
"Login": "Login for pool with registration (MPH)"
For details, see full configuration manual.
MindMiner has development fee 1%. Enabling MinigRigRentals will add 1% fee.
Thanks to aaronsace to the idea but weak implementation.