A script for integrating Cometd based chat functionality into a Java Web Apps
This project has been integrated into
. All the necessary information have been moved to that project. This project is only maintained for reference purposes.
Open command prompt
Change to the project folder, e.g:
>cd C:\Users\USER\Documents\NetBeansProjects\cometdchatjavascript
- Install some required scripts
npm install jquery
npm install cometd
- Run command: npm run build, e.g:
C:\Users\USER\Documents\NetBeansProjects\cometdchatjavascript>npm run build
The npm run build command does the following:
Packages script at src/index.js with all dependencies.
Minifies the packaged/combined script and saves it to dist/main.js
- dist
- index.html
- main.js
- sounds
- beep.m4a
- beep.mp3
- beep.ogg
- beep.wav
- src
- index.js
Put the link to the script at the bottom of the page, inside the body tag
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Chat Page</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="comet.chat.css"/>
Username: <input type="text" name="chatuser" id="chatuser"/><span id="chatuserMessage"></span>
<p><input type="button" onclick="joinChatRoom('chatuser');" value="Join Chat"></p>
<div>Online Users <small>(Click a <em>username</em> to chat)</small></div>
<div id="members"></div>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var config = {
/** 'id' of a 'div' or 'span' tag which keeps list of online users */
memberListContainerID: 'members', /** required = false, text */
userDisplayName: 'me', /** required = false, text */
windowBackground: '#31B404', /** required = false, color */
logLevel: 'debug' /** required = false, [warn|info|debug], default=info */
function joinChatRoom(usernameElemId) {
var username = $('#' + usernameElemId).val();
if(!username) {
$("#" + usernameElemId + "Message").css("color", "red").val("Invalid username");
bcCometd.joinChat(username, function(){
$("#" + usernameElemId + "Message").css("color", "green").val("Successfully joined chat as: " + username);