BlocksGallery is a vanilla javascript based gallery, that supports a bunch of cool animations. Every time you do next all images are divided into blocks and then the animations are applied over it.
- Random fading blocks
- Falling blocks
BlocksGallery internally uses SnapSVG - a light-weight library for Svg manipulation. It is super easy to add a new animation to BlocksGallery.
BlocksGallery.addAnimation('flyingBlocks', (speed, blockObject, done, rowIndex, colIndex) => {
let image = blockObject.img;
let time = 1000 / speed // speed is >= 0
const defaults = {
x: image.attr('x'),
y: image.attr('y'),
// Attributes
x: something,
y: somevalue,
// Animation duration
// Pass done as animation callback function
// Return default values of attributes that this function changed
return defaults
Opensource projects used by BlocksGallery:
- SnapSVG - Light-weight library for SVG manipulation
- NodeJs - Javascript runtime for Server
- Webpack - Module bundler for Nodejs
- Eslint - Javascript linter
- Babel - Javascript transpiler
Under development, check this section for updates
Want to contribute? Great!
BlocksGallery uses Webpack for fast developing. Make a change in your file and instantanously see your updates!
> git clone
> cd BlocksGallery
> npm install
> npm start
Make the changes and raise a pull request.
- Adding more animation
- Custom block shape support (aprt from rectangular boxes)
Free Software, Hell Yeah!