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EDHOC-Fuzzer is a protocol state fuzzer of EDHOC clients and servers. It is built upon ProtocolState-Fuzzer.

EDHOC-Fuzzer supports the following functionality:

  1. Learning a state machine model of an EDHOC client or server implementation.
  2. Testing (executing sequences of inputs) of an EDHOC client or server implementation.

More information about the functionality of EDHOC-Fuzzer, its design and architecture, and some of its early uses cases can be found in this open access paper published in the proceedings of ISSTA 2023.


  • Java 17 JDK.
  • maven correctly setup to point to Java 17 JDK.
  • graphviz library, containing the dot utility, which should be located in the system's PATH.
  • python >=3.6 and pydot interface >=1.4.2, in order to use the script.
  • (suggested) make utility, rust and cargo required by the setup of some SULs.
  • (optional) openssl utility, required by the script.


Assuming the commands are executed from the root directory:

  1. To check the prerequisites use:
java -version
mvn -version
dot -V
python3 --version
pip3 show pydot
  1. To set up EDHOC-Fuzzer use:
./scripts/ -l

The -l flag is used to fetch the remote projects used as libraries, compile and install them in the local maven repository. The fetched source files are deleted after the installation. After the first installation of the libraries, the script can be used without the -l flag, in order to rebuild the project. After a successful build, the soft link edhoc-fuzzer.jar is created in the root directory.

  1. To set up a System Under Learning (SUL) use:

This will show the usage message of the script, in order to provide a SUL name as argument. This process will fetch, possibly patch and build the corresponding remote project, and the following directories should be created:

  • experiments/models/sources, containing the remote project and the executables;
  • experiments/models/clients, containing a directory structure with soft links to the client executables;
  • experiments/models/servers, containing a directory structure with soft links to the server executables.


After setting up the EDHOC-Fuzzer and the SUL of interest, one can learn the model of that SUL using one of the argument files in the experiments/args subdirectories (or using a file similar to them). Command-line arguments can be also provided, in order to overwrite those in the argument file. The @ symbol before the argument file can be omitted. The simplest command is:

java -jar edhoc-fuzzer.jar @path/to/argfile

The above command without the argument file lists all the available command line options.


Testing requires not only an argument file but also a test sequence, some of which can be found in the experiments/tests subdirectories. Testing can also be used prior to learning, in order to check that everything runs as expected. The test command is:

java -jar edhoc-fuzzer.jar @path/to/arg/file -test path/to/test/file [-additional_param]

Additional Testing Parameters:

-times N
  Run each test sequence N number of times, defaults to 1

-testSpecification path/to/dot/model
  If a .dot model is provided as a specification, the resulting outputs are
  compared against it. The test file will be run both on the implementation
  and on the specification model

  Shows the sequence of transitions at the end in a nicer format


After the learning process has generated the file, EDHOC-Fuzzer tries to:

  • create the learnedModel.pdf file using the dot utility;
  • create the beautified versions of the learned model: and learnedModelbtf.pdf using the ./scripts/ script.

For the conversion to .pdf, EDHOC-Fuzzer uses the command:

dot -Tpdf path/to/ -o path/to/out_model.pdf

For the beautification, EDHOC-Fuzzer currently uses the script:


Beautification involves the merging of same transitions and replacing of labels with shorter ones. The label replacements can be found in the ./scripts/replacements.txt. The script's optional arguments can be used when the provided model corresponds to a client implementation, in order to add to the model the initial message that the client implementation sends to start the EDHOC protocol.

The above script is just a convenient wrapper of the following more customizable script:

python3 ./scripts/ -h

File Structure

The most important directories are scripts, experiments and src/main/resources

Inside ./scripts/ directory

  •, used for installing the remote library and (re-)building the project

  •, used for fetching, patching and building each remote sul (system under learning)

  •, a wrapper for the used for visually enhancing the resulting .dot files from the learning process utilizing the replacements.txt

  •, used optionally for generating dummy authentication files in .pem, .der format in triples of <private key, public key, x509 certificates>; corresponding to one for each EDHOC authentication method. The files in the .der format can be provided as input to the EDHOC-Fuzzer. The resulting directories are:

    • ./experiments/authentication/mapper
      • /sig, containing an ed25519 triple and a p256 triple
      • /stat, containing a p256 triple and a x25519 triple
    • ./experiments/authentication/sul, same as the mapper directory with different keys

Inside ./experiments/ directory

  • args/ contains the argument files for each sul provided to the EDHOC-Fuzzer

  • authentication/ initially contains the test_vectors directory with files in the test-vector json format. The subdirectories mapper/, sul/ can be generated using the ./scripts/

  • models/ initially contains the custom patches used in the setup of the suls. The sub-directories sources/, clients/, servers/ can be generated using the ./scripts/

  • results/ is the output directory designated by the ./experiments/args files containing the resulting subdirectories during a learning process. Initially it does not exist

  • saved_results/ is the directory containing saved models used for regression testing.

  • tests/ contains a set of input test sequences used as input to the EDHOC-Fuzzer for testing them against a client/server implementation

Inside ./src/main/resources/ directory

  • default_alphabet.xml is the default alphabet in .xml format provided to the EDHOC-Fuzzer, which contains all the currently supported message inputs and is used implicitly by the argument files in ./experiments/args

  • contains the symbolic properties that are used in the argument files in the ./experiments/args (can be used also in command line arguments) and are in the format ${property_name}. These are substituted in runtime. One implicit property name is sul.port, which is replaced with a randomly generated port and used when the sul accepts a port number as argument

  • default_mapper_connection.config is the CoAP properties file containing the default values used by the fetched and installed project used as library during the initial setup


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