Detect the indentation of code
Pass in a string of any kind of text and get the indentation.
- Persisting the indentation when modifying a file.
- Have new content match the existing indentation.
- Setting the right indentation in your editor.
$ npm install --save detect-indent
Accepts a string and returns the indentation or null
if it can't be detected.
// modify a JSON file while persisting the indentation in Node
var fs = require('fs');
var detectIndent = require('detect-indent');
"ilove": "pizza"
var file = fs.readFileSync('foo.json', 'utf8');
// tries to detect the indentation and falls back to a default if it can't
var indent = detectIndent(file) || ' ';
var json = JSON.parse(file);
json.ilove = 'unicorns';
fs.writeFileSync('foo.json', JSON.stringify(json, null, indent));
"ilove": "unicorns"
$ npm install --global detect-indent
$ detect-indent --help
$ detect-indent <file>
$ echo <string> | detect-indent
$ echo ' foo\n bar' | detect-indent | wc --chars
MIT © Sindre Sorhus