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pypdflib PublicForked from santhoshtr/pypdflib
Pango Cairo based PDF rendering library. Supports complex scripts. Written in Python. Mirror of http://gitorious.org/pypdflib
Python 3
supersimplemediawiki PublicForked from legoktm/supersimplemediawiki
A python3 interface with MediaWiki's API
Python 1
TesseractTrainer PublicForked from HarshUpadhyay/TesseractTrainer
A small framework taking over the manual training process described in the Tesseract3 Wiki: https://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/wiki/TrainingTesseract3
- DeepVideoAnalytics Public Forked from ml-lab/DeepVideoAnalytics
A highly configurable visual search & analytics platform for images and videos.
pune-lug/DeepVideoAnalytics’s past year of commit activity - OpenTreeMap Public Forked from OpenTreeMap/otm-legacy
OpenTreeMap is a wiki-inspired, web-based geographic tree inventory application that enables individuals, organizations, and governments to work together and collaboratively map the urban forest. OpenTreeMap is a project of Azavea and Urban Ecos. The code is currently being used to create PhillyTreeMap.org, UrbanForestMap.org, GreenprintMaps.org…
pune-lug/OpenTreeMap’s past year of commit activity - Food_Sharing Public Forked from jljones/Food_Sharing
A web app for neighbors to share extra food. The objective is to reduce food waste, distribute food to those who need it, and make use of food that expires soon and garden extras.
pune-lug/Food_Sharing’s past year of commit activity - python-whois Public Forked from mboot-github/python-whois
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/python-whois
pune-lug/python-whois’s past year of commit activity - TesseractTrainer Public Forked from HarshUpadhyay/TesseractTrainer
A small framework taking over the manual training process described in the Tesseract3 Wiki: https://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/wiki/TrainingTesseract3
pune-lug/TesseractTrainer’s past year of commit activity