A python module of commonly used utilities that can be included or used by itself to speed up common processes, like url encoding and decoding!
pip install -r requirements.txt
(potentially python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You can use this as a library or as a command line tool.
- Usage as a library:
NB: hackutils.py should be in the current folder you are executing from - e.g. the current directory when running python/python3import hackutils
- Call function:
- Usage as command line tool:
python hackutils.py p -l
python hackutils.py d -url "%3c"
All functionality is split into logical subclasses based on functionality, then into functions under that class.
These work by calling: subclass.function(data)
Example: encode.url("/")
Encode / Decode
- b32 (base32)
- b64 (base64)
- b64url (base64 url format)
- url (url encoding)
- html (html encoding)
- hex (hex string)
- hexint (hex integer)
- hexweb (hex with \x infront of every hexvalue, e.g.
) - unicode
- parquet (hadoop data storage format)
- list (List all payloads)
- generate (Generate payloads with a target set - e.g. a URL or an IP)
- Payload listing
- Payload generation
- Have tests to ensure correct functionality
- Encode/Decode only special characters
- to Hex
- to unicode
- Chars to homoglyphs
- list characters with homoglyphs
- Analyze file formats
- Look for:
- Common file formats needing analysis
- Common encoding / decoding
- Common payloads & test-strings (E.G. ACAR)