WARNING Package in heavy development.
This R package proposes convenient methods for processing 3D gait dataset
rCGM2 relies on Excel spreadsheets exported from pyCGM2. You can have a look into the folder data/pyCGM2 to find out the structure of the spreadsheet. Briefly, each row respresents a time-normalized gait cycle and columns report either value from frame0 to 100 or events, phase duration and so on.
The ongoing implementation allows to :
- Plot data
- compare data based on basic metrics, like the Mean Absolute Deviation, the Root Mean Square Error ...
- process repeatbility tests based on the Standard Error of measurement
Since R is a statistical-oriented software, further versions of rCGM2 could propose methods integrating basic inferential statistical tests.
Originaly R was not fantastic at all. The user interface was not intuitive and the programming syntax was difficult to master. That is the past. Thanks to the enthusiast of R users and especially Hadley Wickham, R now benefits from a powerful user interface called Rstudio and packages which could ease your data processing.
rCGM2 precisely leverages packages :
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- tidyR
There are extensive documentation and tutorials on the internet about these packages. For sure, they will accelerate your learning curve and remove any reluctance to R.
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