This organization contains a number of packages that work together (in conjunction with pymmcore) to control microscopes in a pure python/C environment (i.e. with no Java dependency or cross-process runtime).
The diagram below attempts to clarify how many libraries and components that have been built around the micro-manager ecosystem relate to each other.
- pymmcore-plus - a drop in super-set of
. Adds a pure-python multi-dimensional acquisition engine (analogous to AcqEngineJ and the clojure acqEngine); a more robust event/signaling system for monitoring the state ofMMCore
; many additional convenience functions and structures; and an improved python developer experience (typing, docstrings, etc...) - useq-schema - an implementation agnostic schema for a sequence of events during a multi-dimensional imaging acquisition. Written in python, but language agnostic and exported as JSONschema. It is essentially just a specification for how to describe a microscopy experiment declaratively in, for example, a JSON or YAML file, or in python dataclasses. The
method accepts an instance of auseq.MDASequence
object (or any iterable ofuseq.MDAEvent
objects) as an input, but conceptually, any microscope control system (independent of micro-manager) could implement support forMDASequence
. - pymmcore-widgets - a set of Qt-based widgets, each of which provide GUI-based readout and control of certain components controlled by an underlying
instance (for example, a shutter widget, a stage controller, or a multi-dimensional acquisition builder). - napari-micromanager - a high-level plugin for napari. It uses all of the packages listed above, and composes widgets from
into a complete GUI capable of running a microscope and showing the collected images in a multidimensional viewer. - pymmcore-gui - Work-in-progress GUI application for pymmcore-plus. This is an alternative to napari-micromanager: it uses ndv instead of napari. It is designed as a complete "double-clickable" desktop application based on Qt.
- pymmcore-nano - Experimental python bindings for CMMCore using nanobind. This is an alternative to pymmcore, which uses SWIG.
supports bothpymmcore
, and will use nano if present.
- MMCore (and devices) - C++ core of micro-manager. This is the heart of micro-manager. It's what actually manages and communicates with microscope devices.
- pymmcore - thin python wrapper around mmCoreAndDevices
- MMCoreJ - The Java wrapper around mmCoreAndDevices
- Pycro-manager - python library that can control the Java micro-manager application via inter-process communication.
- PycroManagerJava - the Java half of Pycro-manager: a ZMQ server that communicates with the Python client as well as mmstudio and the Java-based acquisition engine
- MMStudio - the Java-based micro-manager GUI application.
- clojure acqEngine - original acquisition engine (written in clojure and used by MMStudio): this is the bit that has conventionally driven the microscope during an MDA acquisition.
- AcqEngJ - A Java-based alternative engine to the clojure one, originally written for MicroMagellan and Pycro-manager, but being integrated into the Java based MMStudio
- napari - multidimensional data viewer in Python.