This toolbox contains four functions.
'trend_test.m' performs Jonckheere-Terpstra test.
'hier_svm_train.m' trains the hierachical SVM model.
'hier_svm_predict.m' applies the hierachical model generated from 'hier_svm_train.m' to a given data.
'loo_mulv.m' performs the leave-one-out procedure and selects robust discriminating features by SVM. Also it gives the different types of characteristic scores after feature selection and dimension reduction.
This toolbox is programed by Mr Yunyi Zhou ([email protected]) under the supervision of Dr Qiang Luo ([email protected]) from Fudan University.
This toolbox provides the codes of the algorithms used in the manuscript "Adolescent binge drinking disrupts normal trajectories of brain development and personality maturation".
Last updated by Yunyi Zhou on 1st May, 2018.