Last update: 10/2013
Relocated from
Fantail is a collection of machine learning algorithms for ranking prediction, multi-target regression, label ranking and metalearning related data mining tasks. The algorithms can be called from your own Java code. It is also well-suited for developing new algorithms. Fantail is a multi-target learning extension to WEKA, and is at the early development stage. New algorithms and tools will be added to the library gradually.
A key difference between Fantail and another popular preference learning package WEKA-LR is: Fantail uses the rank vector format (similar to the multi-target regression setting) rather than the order/explicit preference vector format. So in Fantail, label ranking is treated as a special case of the multi-target regression problem. The advantage of the Fantail approach is that both multi-target and label ranking algorithms can be used and tested under a unified framework.
See for an example
/datasets/iris_.arff (an example dataset showing the data format used by Fantail)
A collection of 26 label ranking datasets can be downloaded from /datasets
- AverageRanking (a baseline ranker)
- RankingWithkNN (based on a nearest neighbour algorithm)
- RankingWithBinaryPCT (based on predictive clustering tree for ranking)
- RankingByPairwiseComparison
- BinaryART (approximate ranking tree)
- ARTForests (approximate ranking tree forests)
- Label Ranking Tree (WEKA-LR's LRT, note: this algorithm has been removed from version 1-1-3)
- RankingViaRegression (multiple single-target regression)
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Kendall's Tau
- Curds and Whey Multivariate Responses
- Constraint Classification
- Bagging
- Boosting
- MetaRule Generator
- GUI/Visualisation
- 2D/3D permutation polytopes for rank data
- Experimenter
If you want to refer to Fantail in a publication, please cite the following paper:
Quan Sun and Bernhard Pfahringer. Pairwise Meta-Rules for Better Meta-Learning-Based Algorithm Ranking. Machine Learning, 93(1):141-161, Springer US, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10994-013-5387-y
Many TODOs, so please send me an Email if you would like to contribute to Fantail!
Quan Sun [email protected]