A simple Python wrapper for the PowerShell Empire API.
The wrapper is feature complete as of Empire's RESTful API as of Empire 1.5.0.
Start the Empire RESTful server:
$ ./empire --rest
[*] Loading modules from: /root/Empire/lib/modules/
* Starting Empire RESTful API on port: 1337
* RESTful API token: 8uuub6bg4s5whcj8rixx24wamk530lwtenhadooq
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Initalize the connection to the Empire server with one of these three calls:
# A username and password
api = EmpireAPIWrapper.empireAPI('', uname='empireadmin', passwd='Password123!')
# A token; can be permanent or session generate
api = EmpireAPIWrapper.empireAPI('', token='<token_string_here>')