Releases: radiocosmology/caput
Releases · radiocosmology/caput
What's Changed
- Pipeline tasks can return multiple outputs to unpack by @jrs65 in #263
- refactor: move test suite out of caput by @ketiltrout in #274
- Interactive pipeline debugging by @ljgray in #275
- Fix inadvertent
in MPIArray which triggers the pipeline to end by @ljgray in #277 - Numpy 2.0 support by @ljgray in #276
- Fix deprecated 'newbyteorder' and doctests by @ljgray in #279
- Add macos-latest to ci pipeline by @ljgray in #229
- Faster fft with pyfftw by @ljgray in #281
- Fix README URL by @ketiltrout in #282
- Fix mpiarray global_slice Ellipsis check by @ljgray in #284
- Properly propagate error in
by @ljgray in #285 - Pass the same key object to task with multiple process arguments by @ljgray in #286
- Require zarr < 3 by @ljgray in #287
- fix(fileformats): fix compression check by @ssiegelx in #289
- feat(time): add object_coords and cirs_radec method to Observer class by @ssiegelx in #290
- Bump minimum python to 3.10 by @ljgray in #292
- Import pyfftw before numpy by @ljgray in #291
Full Changelog: v24.8.0...v25.3.0
What's Changed
- Increase minimum python to 3.9 by @ljgray in #267
- Allow a task to receive the same input for setup and process method by @ljgray in #268
- feat(interferometry): Import from ch_util and driftscan by @ketiltrout in #269
- fix(time): Make Star.names iterable in skyfield_star_from_ra_dec by @ketiltrout in #270
- feat(time): Solar/lunar ephemerides by @ketiltrout in #271
- fix(memh5): fix a bug where shared datasets weren't actually shared by @ljgray in #239
- Convert build to pyproject.toml by @ljgray in #272
- Remove deprecated cached_property in favour of functools.cached_property by @ljgray in #273
Full Changelog: v24.6.0...v24.8.0
What's Changed
- fix(pyx): ensure distutil directives are read and pin max numpy version by @ljgray in #246
- fix(runner): reset the environment to stop crash at job start by @jrs65 in #248
- fix numpy median by @jrs65 in #249
- Add email notification options for batch jobs by @sjforeman in #250
- Extra ruff rules by @ljgray in #243
- fix: upgrade versioneer and change to non-vendored mode for Python 3.12 by @jrs65 in #257
- parallel load with no attributes by @jrs65 in #253
- Enforce linting rule RUF012 by @ljgray in #259
- Avoid redistribute copy if using a single mpi process by @ljgray in #256
- Runner: module force purge and module use by @ljgray in #255
- Pipeline runner improvements by @ljgray in #258
- feat(pipeline): better handling for key rejection by @ljgray in #265
- Pin numpy < 2 by @ljgray in #266
Full Changelog: v23.6.0...v24.6.0
What's Changed
- perf(moving_weighted_median): transpose 2D array if window size [0] is less than size[1] by @ljgray in #220
- Move cython
by @ljgray in #221 - Add data directory to gitignore by @rikvl in #228
- fix(mpiarray.MPIArray.gather): Wait for send to complete. by @tristpinsm in #231
- Observer property to get current LSD/CSD by @ljgray in #227
- fix(pipeline): remove erroneous compression options that caused a crash by @jrs65 in #233
- build: Bump minimum supported version to 3.8 by @ljgray in #235
- Reduce memory used by
by @ljgray in #218 - Provide
methods forMemDataset
by @ljgray in #236 - Allow fileformat to be set by fileformat subclass by @ljgray in #237
- Move invert_no_zero testing from draco repo by @ljgray in #240
- Use ruff for CI linting by @ljgray in #238
- MPIArray reshape fixes by @jrs65 in #241
- Timstamp Alignment (1/4): Add
property toBasicCont
to access attrs of index maps by @ljgray in #234 - feat(mpiarray): helper function to apply a selection to an array by @ljgray in #242
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v22.10.0...v23.6.0
What's Changed
- Skyfield refactor and transit/rise/set time routines by @jrs65 in #146
- fix(transit_times): Handle small intervals better by @ketiltrout in #150
- Remove Python 2 support by @jrs65 in #151
- Pipeline script linting by @nritsche in #147
- Docs build by @nritsche in #140
- Fix sphinx build by @nritsche in #153
- fix(time.Observer.transit_times): Use sidereal day. by @tristpinsm in #154
- Fix issues with line in config by @jrs65 in #158
- Fix linter by @nritsche in #160
- chore(pipeline): add deprecated PipelineConfigError by @nritsche in #156
- fix(scripts.runner): Broken pathlib usage. by @tristpinsm in #161
- CI: Run flake8 and pylint by @nritsche in #157
- fix(OneAndAone): move validation to special function by @nritsche in #163
- Fix pylint to version 2.7.0 and fix new warnings from that version by @nritsche in #166
- fix(runner): change allocation from rpp-krs to rpp-chime by @anjakefala in #170
- build: update versioneer by @anjakefala in #174
- feat(runner): add modules conf variable, specify module environment of a pipeline job by @anjakefala in #168
- feat(memh5): add a __memh5_distributed_axis hint by @ssiegelx in #176
- feat(truncate): a new module for precision truncation of data by @jrs65 in #175
- Allow variable substitution into pipeline scripts by @jrs65 in #172
- fix(runner): need absolute paths in the imports by @jrs65 in #178
- build: build using the oldest supported numpy version by @anjakefala in #182
- Useful enhancements for running the pipeline by @jrs65 in #184
- Merging master into Rick's profiling improvements for caput.pipeline by @anjakefala in #180
- feat(runner): add psutil based profiling to caput-pipeline by @anjakefala in #185
- fix(mpiarray): ensure global_shape for new MPIArray is a tuple by @anjakefala in #187
- Remove Nyquist frequency from PFB by @leungcalvin in #191
- feat(mpiarray.MPIArray): Handle index selections. by @tristpinsm in #192
- feat(runner): add an option to control overwritiing old pipeline runs by @jrs65 in #188
- feat(memh5): zarr support by @nritsche in #169
- feat(mpiarray): ufunc, array_finalize, and getitem handling for MPIArray by @anjakefala in #162
- fix(memh5): ensure contained numpy arrays have a native dtype.byteorder by @anjakefala in #194
- fix(mpiarray): handling Ellipsis and np.newaxis when slicing by @jrs65 in #197
- fix(time): try downloading mirrored data by @jrs65 in #199
- fix(mpiarray): crash testing for an Ellipsis when given an ndarray index by @jrs65 in #200
- fix(tod.concatenate): Convert index map to unicode. by @tristpinsm in #201
- fix(mpiarray): only give warning when compression is disabled by the pipeline by @jrs65 in #202
- HFB container fixes by @jrs65 in #198
- fix(tod): issues copying data from h5py datasets by @jrs65 in #208
- MPIArray cleanups and speedups by @jrs65 in #204
- feat(MPIArray): property for getting global bounds of local array. by @ljgray in #211
- perf(MPIArray): Write redistributed chunks directly into target array by @ljgray in #214
- build(, .github/workflows/main.yml): un-pin numcodecs version by @sjforeman in #212
- feat: add CFF file for Github/Zenodo by @jrs65 in #215
- fix(memh5): issue with distribution of zarr datasets by @jrs65 in #216
- docs(pipeline): add description of outputs of python-based pipeline by @sjforeman in #219
- feat(memh5): add zipped zarr file support by @jrs65 in #222
New Contributors
- @leungcalvin made their first contribution in #191
Full Changelog: v20.10.0...v22.9.0
Bug Fixes
- config: incorrect exception error message (645b47c)
- memh5: change _make_selections to be a classmethod (9869122)
- memh5: modify BasicCont.redistribute to prevent reference cycles (0b7efaa)
- memh5: pass on detect_subclass and warn when axis selections won't work (f1d2e28)
- misc: change lock_file() behavior to match docstring (5aed55e)
- mpiarray: bug when selecting data during distributed read (3c5392a)
- mpiarray: upper limit incorrectly set in private function _reslice (4e2e1e4)
- setup: load
from therequirements.txt
file (9f25a57) - time: allow zero length arrays as arguments (1a4b324)
- interferometry: add routines use for interferometry (2bf97e1)
- pfb: routines for calculating and correcting the effects of a PFB (a044741)
- pipeline: allow construction and control of pure Python pipelines (81af488)
- runner: support profiling caput-pipeline runs (9b72e7c)
Performance Improvements
- weighted_median: use quickselect to calculate the static median (cfddefb)
Note: we have switched to calendar versioning for this release.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed circular references in memh5 containers (#60)
- Fixed a race condition when creating output directories (#64)
- Fixed bug in tod.concatenate
- memh5: explicitly set h5py read mode in routines and tests (e5c0016)
- memh5: no comm attribute on group in redistribute (be655b0)
- memh5: allow writing unicode datasets into h5py (25c5b2d)
- memh5: change default convert_attribute_strings for backwards compatibility (bc8261b)
- memh5: comm property was set when distributed=False (a9acd90)
- memh5: detect and convert types annotated with metadata (ef4ebc8)
- memh5: Mapping has moved into in Python 3.8 (631412e)
- memh5: serialise datetimes with dict attributes without crashing (5d30194)
- memh5: sort items when copying to/from HDF5 to eliminate MPI errors (7af91fe)
- mpiarray: partition parallel IO to be under the 2GB HDF5 limit (bee591e)
- mpiarray: workaround for h5py collective IO bug (9c68fe3), closes #965
- mpiutil: disable the MPI excepthook (6fba9f6)
- parallel_map: fixed crash (2462a2f)
- pipeline: changed incorrect pro_argspec.keywords to pro_argspec.varkw (906d753), closes #121
- pipeline: use safe_load to avoid warning when loading pipeline conf (8f2d7c3)
- runner: Add call to group at end of file. (e48ef60)
- runner: use copyfile instead of copy (3da9976), closes #102
- time: include required skyfield data in the repo (via Git LFS) (39f357d)
- time: set SkyfieldWrapper default expire=False (#126) (8e84719)
- tod: fixes bug where data variable overwritten (0ed8b2c)
- Context Manager for all memh5 container types (#60). You can now do:
with memh5.BasicCont.from_file("filename.h5"):
- Support for new CHIME stacked data with reverse_map (#58)
- Better handling of missing config information (#56)
- IO for distributed memh5 containers is now MPI parallel if possible (#66). This should make a big difference to write times of large containers.
- config: add a list Property for validating input lists (b32ad1d)
- BasicCont: make history an h5 attribute (fbc5034)
- caput-pipeline: add option to run job from a temporary dir (90043f5)
- Manager: add metadata options (47432ee), closes #104
- memh5: add compression and chunking of memh5 datasets (c0886c8)
- memh5: sel_* parameters (6743098), closes #108
- misc: context manager for lockfiles (af67279)
- MPIArray: add gather and allgather for collecting the full array (2da95ae)
- pipeline: improve log level config (f418299)
- pipeline: use locking when writing output (2ab01ed)
- support building without OpenMP (e478a03)
- tod: allow control of string conversion in tod.concatenate (249face)
- util: moving weighted median (f3e1a2c)
- versioneer: add versioneer for better version naming (fa9cccb)