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stephentu edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

New Way (Using Maven Archetypes)
$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=edu.berkeley.cs.scads -DarchetypeArtifactId=piql-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=myGroup -DartifactId=myArtifact -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

Replace “myGroup” with the name of your group (your choice), and “myArtifact” with the name of your project (ie “gradit”). This command will create a folder called “myArtifact” in your current working directory which contains all the pom files, configuration files, etc that you need

Old Way (Manually)

  1. Install Maven 2. This is maven2 on MacPorts and probably the same on Aptitude. Sorry Windows users I don’t know how to help you except to give a download link.
  2. place settings.xml from in your $HOME/.m2 folder
  3. create a new directory and put the pom.xml file attached to this email in there.
  4. Create the directories src/main/piql and put a *.piql spec in there.
  5. run `mvn assembly:assembly` from the directory where the pom.xml is.
  6. your jar with all dependencies is going to be located in target/*-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Now move this jar to your rails db directory and rename it piql.jar.

To solve the missing avro-1.2.0-dev dependency when building a piql project, the intermittent solution is to simply install the dependency locally. you can do this as follows:

$ git clone git:// avro-radlab
$ cd avro-radlab/lang/java
$ ant mvn-install

this requires that you have both git and ant installed locally. after this compiles, you will have the dependency installed locally

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