- 🔭 I'm currently working on an Natural Language Processing Project which is an emotion analyser.
- 🌱 I'm currently learning Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.
- 💼 I'm open to new opportunities and collaborations.
- 💬 You can ask me about Machine Learning Alorithms ,Deep Learning ,NLP ,Cloud Computing ,Web Development and also Mathematics😊.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.
- Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Javascript,HTML,CSS.
- Tools & Technologies:
- Web Development: Django,Flask,Streamlit.
- Machine Learning:- Scikit-Learn.
- Deep Learning:- Tensorflow,Pytorch.
- Databases:- SQL, MongoDB,Azure Blob Storage.
- Version Control:- Git and Github.
AI Image Classifier :- It is the image classifier which classifies image as Real or Fake . It is based on VGG16 and trained on the imagenet dataset. It was the part of Even Semester Project by Coding Club IIT Guwahati.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Link Shortener :- It is the link shortener app. which is made using mongoDB , django and python
Repo link:- click here
App Link :- click here -
Neural Style Transfer:- It is the app for creating the artwork using existing images. it take an content image and a style image and applies the style of style image to the content image and generates a new image.
Repo link:- click here
App Link:- click here -
IIT Guwahati Resume Builder:- it the resume builder app for iit guwahati students . it uses JavaScript, python and django and stores the personal info using javascript local storage
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Spam Email Classifier:- it is the email classifier. it classifies the email as spam or not spam upto 93% accuracy. it uses the logistic regression algorithm.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Diabetes Prediction:- it is the simple classifier which uses the current data provided by the user to predict the person may have diabetes or not. it is based on the logistic regression.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
YouTube comment Scrapper:- It is the comment scrapper app which uses youtube data api v3 for retrieving the comments.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Flipkart comment scrapper:- it is the comment scrapper app. it scrapps the comments from flipkart and shows on the webpage.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Google Image Screpper:- it is the image scrapper app which scrapps image from google search and shows on webpage. it uses beautiful soup4 , django and Python
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Diamond Price Prediction:- it is the diamond price prediction app. it predicts the price of the diamond based on the given data. it uses Decision Tree Regression to predict the price.
Repo link:- click here -
Wafer Fault Detection :- The Wafer Fault Detection App is a web application built using Django and Python's scikit-learn library. It employs machine learning algorithms to analyze and classify wafer data, enabling the quick identification of faulty wafers in the manufacturing process.
Repo link:- click here -
Stock Forecast:- The Stock Forecasting App is a web-based application built using Django and powered by the ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model. This app allows users to select the company name and forecasting option then it fetches the data from alpha ventage api shows the chart of last 30 days actual values and predicted values and also shows the prediction for the next day based on the ARIMA model's predictions. Chart is made using chart.js.
Repo link:- click here
App link:- click here -
Automatic Number Plate Detector:- This repository contains a Number Plate Detector web application built using the YOLOv5 object detection model and Django framework. The application is designed to detect and extract number plates from images provided by the users. The YOLOv5 model is used for its high accuracy and efficiency in real-time object detection tasks.
Repo link:- click here -
it is my personal website made using django and Python. where all these projects are up and running. it is hosted on Azure cloud . MongoDB is used as backend Database. and for Static content Azure blob storage is used.
it is also equipped with login and logout facility. You can sign up using email otp. it also have a user dashboard . you can update your name , mobile no, profile photo etc.
website link :- click here
- Master of Science in Mathematics and Computing (IIT Guwahati).
- Currently following Data Science Masters course impact batch by PWSkills.
- ✉️ Email:- [email protected], [email protected]
- 🔗 LinkedIn:- Rahim Khan's LinkedIn Profile
- 🔗 Kaggle :- Rahim Khan's Kaggle Profile
- 🔗 Leetcode :- Rahim Khan's Leetcode Profile
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out to me. I'm always excited to connect with fellow developers and collaborate on interesting projects!