This project is no longer maintained. Further issue reports and/or pull requests will not be attended. We thank you for all your contributions and we hope this project has had a positive impact on your iOS development.
We created objc2swift for our own good, to reduce the redundant task when rewriting Obj-C code to Swift.
Generally, rewriting process consists of two phases: first simply replacing the syntax from Obj-C to Swift, then adopting new features that are introduced to Swift.
objc2swift is aimed at reducing the first half of the process, so that we can focus more on the creative / intellectual work.
Please do not expect complete conversion.
- Merges
and create a single Swiftclass
. - Converts properties, including those that have it's own getter/setter in the implementation.
- Converts message-send to method-call.
- Converts init-process such as
[[MyThing alloc] initWithThing:...]
intoMyThing(thing: ...)
. - Converts corresponding types and functions:
- ...and more!
Build jar:
$ git clone
$ cd objc2swift
$ ./gradlew jar
Create an alias, and pass the Obj-C source files you want to convert.
$ alias objc2swift='java -jar /path/to/objc2swift/build/libs/objc2swift-1.0.jar'
$ objc2swift src/test/resources/sample.*
Install typesafe-activator, and run.
$ brew install typesafe-activator
$ cd web/
$ activator run
Access localhost:9000
, and there you are!
objc2swift is made with ANTLR. More detail coming soon.
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.