Install Nextflow
curl https://get.nextflow.io | bash
Main parameters:
param | value type | description |
seqFile | string | Path to input fasta file |
fastaSubsetSize | integer | How many sequences per split of input file |
databasePath | string | Path to database Files |
outputDir | string | publish directory |
maxIntron | integer | Maximum intron size (Default 750000) |
dbType | string | "dna" / "prot" / "dnax" (DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein). Default is dna. |
queryType | string | "dna" / "prot" / "dnax" (DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein) "rnax" (DNA sequence translated in three frames to protein) |
| | blatParams | string | Additional parameters for gfClient | | trans | boolean | Translate database to protein in 6 frames |
nextflow run https://github.com/VEuPathDB/blat -with-trace -c <config_file> -r main