Let's Ball is a Twillio powered web app that automates the hassle of setting up a group meeting to play basketball.
Once the number associated with the group is known, the user can text in the commands to create, update, or delete ball requests or users.
The supported commands include:
-a <name>
Adds users with name to the database (allows spaces in name)
-un <name>
Changes the name of the user in the database that is associated with the phone number of the texter. (allows spaces in name)
Removes the user associated with the phone number of the texter from the database.
Returns a list of all of the users currently in the database.
-b <location> <time>
Creates a ball event for the at the and notifies all of the users in the database via text. Users can reply to this notification with "-y" to confirm attendance or "-n" to decline and opt out of updates. (location allows spaces, time is an integer)
-ub <location> <time>
Allows the creator of the currently live ball request to update its time and/or location. All users will be notified of the change via text. (location allows spaces, time is an integer)
Allows the creator of the currently live ball request to delete it, notifying all other users via text.
Lists the current live ball events. (currently only supports one live event in version 1)
Returns all of the users that confirmed attendence for the current ball event.