EXPERIMENTAL : Using NanoKontrol2 with Overtone.
To be clear all credit and hard work is that of @samaaron and @meta-ex. I extracted this out of the Ignite project: https://github.com/meta-ex/ignite.
You will need to setup your NanoKontrol2 such that software can control all the LEDS.
1. Download KORG KONTROL Editor http://www.korg.co.uk/support/downloads/nano2_dl.php
3. Write the scene data (this saves the change to the device)
[korg-nano-kontrol2 "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
You have to pass the button to banks mapping and the for those banks the s/m/r 0-7 mappings.
(require '[nano-kontrol2.core :as nk2])
(require '[nano-kontrol2.buttons :as btn])
(use '[nano-kontrol2.config :only [mixer-init-state]])
(def cfg
{:synths {:s0 mixer-init-state :s1 mixer-init-state :s2 mixer-init-state :m0 mixer-init-state :m1 mixer-init-state :r0 mixer-init-state}
:riffs {:s0 mixer-init-state :s1 mixer-init-state :m0 mixer-init-state :m1 mixer-init-state}
:master {:s7 mixer-init-state :m7 mixer-init-state :r7 mixer-init-state}})
(def banks
{:master btn/record
:m64 btn/play
:m128 btn/stop
:riffs btn/fast-forward
:synths btn/rewind})
(nk2/start! cfg banks)
In order to push the use of the NanoKontrol some buttons are mapped to do different things.
Cycle -> Enter select bank mode.
- rewind, fastforward, stop, play and record all select a bank.
- within a bank mode s,m & r buttons highlighted respresent further different states.
Marker right -> Refresh state maps
Marker left -> ?
Marker SET -> Force all sync
What you assign the banks to is completely up to you.