Some util scripts to work faster with Script UI + Adobe products.
Creates a log file.
Console.log(value1, value2, ...);
Makes the process of creating a UI Window more descriptive and easier than using the traditional approach.
Traditional approach:
var window = new Window('dialog', 'My Dialog', [100, 100, 480, 245]);
window.panel = window.add('panel', [15, 50, 365, 115], 'Panel');
window.panel.add('button', [235, 15, 335, 45], 'Cancel', {name:'btnCancel'});
window.panel.add('button', [235, 15, 335, 45], 'Run', {name:'btnRun'});;
window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
alert('Callback for button RUN');
With UIWindow.jsx:
var myWindow = new UIWindow({
type: 'dialog',
name: 'My Dialog',
bounds: [100, 100, 480, 245],
properties: {
closeButton: true
data: {
'panelElement': {
type: 'panel',
parent: undefined,
bounds: [15, 50, 365, 115],
title: 'Panel',
properties: {
orientation: 'row'
'btnCancel': {
type: 'button',
parent: 'panelElement',
bounds: [235, 15, 335, 45],
title: 'Cancel'
'btnCancel': {
type: 'button',
parent: 'panelElement',
bounds: [235, 15, 335, 45],
title: 'Run',
event: {
type: 'click',
callback: function() {
alert('Callback for button RUN');