Releases: rfc2119/aws-tui
Release v0.0.1
This is the initial release for a terminal interface to AWS. There's a lot of stuff to do aside from functionality, such as proper testing, colouring, ... etc.
Let's see how far this goes. It is most likely that all next features will be tailored to users preferences, since I don't have the manpower to write a complete Interface similar to the Web interface
ce7fcca #aws-tui channel on Freenode
2d1caa5 updating go import statements to match github
9617131 preparing for v0.0.1 release
f47f6c6 initial gh workflow for lint and release actions
b76269f gorealeaser config. next is gh actions
7042244 template for generating readme table in
2b4bf7f unified service descriptions into one struct
589c186 minor edit for messages when creating new ebs volumes
6b644dd state machine for EBS volume modification
659b1d3 delete volume. always clear tables before re-drawing
fae55be create volume
fde3075 paginator for watcher1. watcher2
ebeeb42 modify EBS volumes' size and IOPS
db84598 fixed tableEditVolumes not refreshing properly
ceecd08 new type layoutContainer
15b3ac2 fixes re-drawing issue in showConfirmationBox()
0d95deb {Attach,Detach}Volume in EC2 with appropriate UI
d827c27 functional EBS state machine
30615b2 better error handling
7d393d9 EBS state machine (unfunctional). edit volume page
660b6fb added ChangeInstanceType. updated
815e2c2 backtab input capturer for {eFlex,eGrid}
5f9b3d7 {eFlex,eGrid}.SetShiftFocusFunc
19d3825 towards a unification of all container types
8925d40 usable ec2 instances state machine!
db2e52c stringFromAWS(). ebs inside ec2. state machines
117fa0a added {ui/model}/iam.go; info screen at front page
5043149 used paginator for the DescribeInstances API
a106494 modal boxes are now centered (thanks to skanehira)
d26186e added filters (only constants). list AMIs
de9b5d9 disabled options in radio button
fa3f104 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9451f18 re-did the `go back' mechanism; change instance type
9997ac9 main container is now a flex box of pages and a status bar
70527a9 fixed describing instances
5dc090d non-focusable status bar
a5f25d4 radio button. first action from model to view. re-organized main.go
4261621 added the first action w/o testing
9f714fa help message; new type ePages
37b419a added status bar with a minimal new grid layout
fe64a60 redone the initial commit with a new architecture. see
7a6c538 Initial commit