This project aims to detect relationships like looking_at/sitting_on/in_front_of between two objects in frames of a video. So we need to have the list of detected objects and their coordinates in all frames of the videos. Also, we need the extracted ROI features of the objects saved in a .npz file. Some of our codes are taken from the repository
- python=3.6
- pytorch=1.1
- scipy=1.1.0
- cypthon
- dill
- easydict
- h5py
- opencv
- pandas
- tqdm
- yaml
The file has main function, where relationships between pair objects are generated.
Before running this file, download other folders in this repository , e.g., dataloader, fasterRCNN and lib folder, where required .py files are saved.
Finally run this line:
python -mode predcls -datasize large -data_path abc -model_path xyz -input_dir MNP -original_video_path bcd.txt -output_dir NMP -rel_mem_compute joint -rel_mem_weight_type simple -mem_fusion late -mem_feat_selection manual -mem_feat_lambda 0.5 -rel_head gmm -obj_head linear -K 6
- original_video_path is the text file where, paths for videos of particular dataset are saved,
- input_dir is the directory where detected object details for each videos are saved,
- data_path is the directory where action_genome annotations are saved
- model_path is the directory where the predcls model is saved from
- output_dir is the directory where detected relationships will be saved
|--- Video_1
| |--- "npz_fmap.npz"
| |--- Activity_BBox.json
| |--- frame_1
| |--- "npz_file.npz"
| |--- frame_2
| |--- "npz_file.npz"