- python=3.6
- pytorch=1.1
- scipy=1.1.0
- cypthon
- dill
- easydict
- h5py
- opencv
- pandas
- tqdm
- yaml
The list of path to all video frames of required dataset are kept in "original_video_path" file (text file). The "modified_file_path" is a blank text file where video paths will be saved in sorted manner by final_obj_rel_copy.py. The main file i.e, final_obj_rel_copy.py file loads video frames using this "modified_file_path" text file and then uses fasterRCNN (coco trained) model to detect objects for all frames in all videos and save them into "saving_dir_path".
Next the final_obj_rel_copy.py file accesses those object details using "saving_dir_path" and generates scene graph captions by using "tempura_predcls" model. The relationships detected between human-object pairs for each frame are saved in "output_dir" path.
"data_path" is used to access the text files containing the object classes of COCO dataset (on which fasterRCNN is trained for this case),and relationship classes of action genome dataset respectively, saved inside annotation folder.
- Within scene_graph folder create "data" folder and download glove file there from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qrez_hfAKRqCqe7LlGX1xnGRwQZTdLVu?usp=sharing.
- Create fasterRCNN folder within scene_graph and download the required (coco trained or action genome trained) Faster-RCNN model from https://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch.
- Set up the fasterRCNN trained on coco dataset:
cd ~/scene_graph
cd fasterRCNN
cd lib
python setup.py build develop
Download the tempura models (predcls) and save in "model_path" from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m1xSUbqBELpogHRl_4J3ED7tlyp3ebv8
Find the required folders in this order within scene_graph folder:
lib2 folder has files containing functions required for object detection and lib folder has files containing functions required for relationship detection.
- Run the main file to generate scene graph from videos:
python final_obj_rel_copy.py -mode predcls -datasize large -data_path ABC -model_path XYZ.tar -original_video_path MNP.txt -modified_file_path PQR.txt -output_dir Activity_test_relation -saving_dir_path BCD -rel_mem_compute joint -rel_mem_weight_type simple -mem_fusion late -mem_feat_selection manual -mem_feat_lambda 0.5 -rel_head gmm -obj_head linear -K 6