A(nother) Puzzle and Dragons IRC bot.
git clone
set up RVM if you want, bundle install
create an empty Postgres database for the app (I used 9.1)
modify database_config.yaml to match the created database in (3)
modify irc_config.yaml to tell the bot what to connect to
ruby db_utils.rb import
extra postgres stuff:
a. enter postgres into your padbot db, then run the following to update your primary key sequence to the latest: SELECT setval('user_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM users));
ruby PADbot.rb
ruby db_utils.rb export: Exports User and Monster data to JSON files
ruby db_utils.rb import: Automatically initializes Postgres to contain data from provided JSON files
ruby db_utils.rb console: Provides you with a Pry console with DataMapper in the namespace and initialized