This is a challenge from website Frontend Mentor, specialized in frontend develop, is a dashboard to monitor the metrics in social networks of your account.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
See Requirements to know the minimum standards to use the project.
You need to have the following technologies installed to use this project.
Any browser to open the project.
- Google Chrome
- Node.js - npm - JavaScript runtime
To use this project you will need to clone this repository or download it to your computer. If you choose to download it directly in the upper right part of the repository you will have the option, if it is not your case you can clone it using the following command.
$ git clone
Follow this steps to run the project, install dependencies necessaries.
$ npm install
$ yarn start
Technologies used in the project:
- HTML 5 - Layout and web structure.
- CSS 3 - Style design.
- JavaScript - Animations and functionalities.
- React - javascript library.
If you like what I do, visit my website and share my content, you can also follow me on my networks to be aware of new publications and interesting projects that I will be developing.
Designed with 💖 - by Romero José
- GitHub - Repositories of my latest projects - romerojoseing
- CodePen - Interesting mini projects and tests - romerojoseing
- LinkedIn - Professional developer profile - romerojoseing
- Instagram - Documenting my journey - romerojoseing
- Facebook - Publications and promotional content - romerojoseing
- Twitter - Random comments and more - romerojoseing