npm install @roumi/svg-to-icon-font
The library will generate CSS, Woff, Woff2 files.
To use your new font, you can use the class [fontName]-[icon-name]
to display an icon.
You can check the icon-list.html in the output folder to see a list of all of the icons.
If you want to use the cli command you can either install it globaly this way:
npm install -g @roumi/svg-to-icon-font
generate-icon-font icon "/path/to/" "/path/to/output"
Or you can use npx
if you install it locally:
npx generate-icon-font icon "/path/to/" "/path/to/output"
Use the function generateIconFont(fontName, zipFilePath)
to generate a new font from a zip file containing all the icons in SVG format.
import {generateIconFont} from '@roumi/svg-to-icon-font';
await generateIconFont('icon', '/path/to/', '/path/to/output');
// CSS, Woff, Woff2 files are in the output folder
// You also have the icon-list.html file to see all the icons
=><i class="icon-trash"></i>
=><i class="my-projet-trash"></i>
"this is a test"
=><i class="thisisatest-trash"></i>
This library is released under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it as you see fit. See the LICENSE file for more information.