"Rafael's Environment", a bunch of quick & dirty, perhaps awkward hacks tailored for my own usage.
My computing environment based on nix/home-manager.
The script renvctl
orchestrates part of the process of installing components with home-manager
and similar:
./renvctl help
IMPORTANT: Ensure that settings.nix is correct for the environment (e.g. username matches the system, email)
Install system packages:
./renvctl system:install
Install Visual Studio Code:
./renvctl vscode:sync
Install a language toolchain:
./renvctl $LANG:sync
Where $LANG in {ocaml, lean, rust}
Upgrade system:
./renvctl system:sync
Upgrade external packages:
./renvctl ext:sync
Hack around and sync changes to home:
./renvctl home:sync
Install docker by following the steps: