Erlang Solutions Ltd.
- Stockholm, Sweden
- http://rvirding.blogspot.com/
- @rvirding
spell1 Public template
LL(1) parser generator for Erlang and LFE
ship-demo Public
Use Luerl to program a simple space ship example
erlog Public
Prolog interpreter in and for Erlang
erjang Public
Forked from trifork/erjangA JVM-based Erlang VM
rb Public
Red-Black tree implementations of dicts and sets.
plan Public
Forked from lfe-deprecated/planA .plan file for the extended LFE community
CSS UpdatedDec 27, 2015 -
leex Public
Lexical analyzer generator for Erlang
chat_demo Public
Simple demo of using websockets for a simple chat program
cx_runtime Public
Forked from tothlac/cx_runtimeThe Concurix system for dynamically enhancing the Erlang Virtual Machine
Erlang Other UpdatedMay 19, 2014 -
ErlangPhone Public
Forked from jstrale/ErlangPhoneThis is an Erlang project representing a phone and server
DXNN2 Public
Forked from CorticalComputer/DXNN2Toplogy and Parameter Evolving Universal Learning Network platform DXNN MK2
Erlvolt Public
Forked from Eonblast/ErlvoltErlang VoltDB server interface
Erlang UpdatedApr 9, 2013 -
Book_NeuroevolutionThroughErlang Public
Forked from CorticalComputer/Book_NeuroevolutionThroughErlangThe resulting source code produced at the end of each chapter in Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang.