#install globals
npm install phantomjs -g
npm install webdriverio -g
#local development
Navigate to *_concrete directory
npm install
npm run build
npm link (this will create a symbolic link for this concrete package)
Navigate to *_tests directory
npm install
npm link <<package_name>> (package name from the above command, googleSearch_concrete)
you should see googleSearch_concrete/dist folder inside node_modules.
#run local selenium standalone server for local development
Open new terminal
Navigate to *_tests directory
Change startSeleniumServer.sh as appropriate
uncomment first 2 lines to install selenium stand alone server, if not installed already
start the selenium stand alone server
#run test locally
Navigate to *_tests directory
npm run test-local
#run test saucelabs
Navigate to *_tests directory
npm run test-saucelabs