This is a list of notes and helpful tips I collected about all dev-related things.
git reset HEAD~1 --soft
Uncommit without losing work
git fetch -p && git branch -vv | grep gone | gawk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 git branch -D $1
=> Remove all non-remote branches locally
git commit --amend
Change message of last commit
git add . && git commit --amend
Add small change after previous changes have been staged and commited already
cd .. && sudo rm -rf ${GIT_REPO_NAME} && git clone https://${AUTHOR}${GIT_REPO_NAME}.git && cd ${GIT_REPO_NAME}
Β―\_ (γ) __/Β―
db.collection.find({"${ANYKEY}":{$elemMatch:{"$in":[null], "$exists":true}}})
Finds all objects in a collection which contain the key ${ANYKEY}
db.collection.find({${ANYKEY}: {$ne: "${PROPERTY_ONE}", $ne: "${PROPERTY_TWO}"}}, {${KEY_ONE}:1, ${KEY_ONE}:2, ${KEY_ONE}: 3}).sort({date:-1}).limit(${LIMIT}).pretty()
Shows all objects in a collection which do NOT have the ${PROPERTY_ONE} key and also do NOT have the ${PROPERTY_TWO} key. All results are returned mapped with the keys ${KEY_ONE}, ${KEY_TWO} and ${KEY_THREE}, sorted by date (-1 === 'Descending'), limited to ${LIMIT} results and displayed 'pretty'.
"quotation marks"
Searches exactly for a query
excludes a word from a search
includes synonyms of a word
search within a specific site
| vertical bar
search for this || that
I shamelessly stole this idea from kale-stew/TIL, who stole it from jbranchaud/til, whole stole it from thoughtbot/til.
Β© 2019 Sami Hamed
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.