🔭 I’m currently working on RNA taxonomy prediction
🌱 I’m currently learning Causal Inference, Data-Driven Decision Making, Storytelling
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Causal Inference, Customer Churn, Customer Segmentation
🤝 I’m looking for help with more machine learning enthusiasts
📝 I regularly write articles on https://elparaisodecantor.wordpress.com/sahumadal/
💬 Ask me about Scikitlearn, Linear Algebra, Customer Churn
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences I'm a road cycling passionate 🚵🏻♂️
⚡ Fun fact Agua panela are my breakfast, lunch and dinner when working @ home!

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Bogotá, Colombia
- https://santiagoal.super.site/
- @santiagoal90
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