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Keksposé: Expose your Kafka cluster outside your Minikube, Kind, or Docker Desktop clusters


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Expose your Kafka cluster outside your Minikube, Kind, or Docker Desktop Kubernetes clusters.

Keksposé: Expose your Kafka outside your Minikube, Kind, or Docker Desktop Kubernetes clusters

What is Keksposé?

Strimzi makes it easy to run Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. But using the Kafka cluster from applications running outside of your Kubernetes cluster can be challenging. Strimzi tries to make it as easy as possible and supports several different ways how to expose the Kafka cluster:

  • Using Load Balancers
  • Using Node Ports
  • Using the Kubernetes Nginx Ingress controller

When running in production-grade Kubernetes environments, these usually work fine. But when using a local Kubernetes cluster such as Minikube, Kind or Docker Desktop, these mechanisms are often not well-supported:

  • The local clusters often lack proper support for load balancers
  • They often run inside additional virtual machines or containers and use complex networking so that node ports do not work out of the box
  • While Ingress usually works, the installation of the right Ingress controller and its configuration is often complicated

One of the ways how applications are often exposed from local clusters is using port forwarding with kubectl port-foward. But using port forwarding with Apache Kafka is not so simple because of its custom discovery protocol. You need to forward ports for each brokers in the Kafka cluster. And you need to make sure your advertised hosts and ports are correctly configured to the local address. Keksposé makes it possible to use port forwarding with Apache Kafka with the help of Kroxylicious project that provides Kafka proxying capabilities.

How does it work?

Keksposé finds a listener without TLS encryption on your Strimzi-based Apache Kafka clusters and exposes it. It deploys a Kafka proxy based on the Kroxylicious project into your Kubernetes cluster and configures it to manage the advertised hosts and ports in the Kafka metadata. It also creates a port-forward for each of the Kafka brokers in your cluster. The advertised hosts and ports are changed by the Kroxylicious proxy to the local addresses of the forwarded ports. Your Kafka clients can then connect to the forwarded ports and through the proxy to the Kafka cluster to send and receive messages.

flowchart LR
    subgraph Local Computer
        direction TB
        B[Kafka Clients]
        C[Forwarded Ports]

    subgraph Kubernetes
        direction LR
        D[Kroxylicious Proxy]
        E[Kafka Cluster]
    B <--> |Port-Forwarding| C
    C <--> |Port-Forwarding| D
    D <--> |Proxying| E
    A -. Creates .-> C
    A -. Deploys .-> D

Kekspose is written in Golang using the Strimzi Go APIs. That allows it to provide native binaries to make it easier to run Keksposé.

How to use Keksposé?


You can download one of the release binaries from one of the release and use it.


Keksposé supports several parameters that can be used to configure it:

Option Description Default Value
--help / -h Help
--kubeconfig Path to the kubeconfig file to use for Kubernetes API requests.
--namespace / -n Namespace of the Kafka cluster. This is also the namespace where the Keksposé proxy will be deployed. Defaults to the namespace form your Kubernetes configuration.
--cluster-name / -c Name of the Kafka cluster. my-cluster
--listener-name/ -l Name of the listener that should be exposed. If not set, Keksposé will try to find a suitable listener on its own.
--starting-port / -p The starting port number. This port number will be used for the bootstrap connection and will be used as the basis to calculate the per-broker ports. 50000
--kekspose-name / -k Name that will be used for the Keksposé ConfigMap and Pod. kekspose
--timeout / -t Timeout for how long to wait for the Proxy Pod to become ready. In milliseconds. 300000
--proxy-image / -i Container image used for the proxy (must be based on a compatible Kroxylicious container image)

If you are using the Keksposé binary, you can just pass the options form the command line.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Keksposé support Kafka clusters with authentication?

Keksposé requires a listener without TLS encryption. But it supports Kafka clusters with SASL based authentication such as SCRAM-SHA or OAuth.

What happens when I scale my Kafka cluster?

You might need to restart Keksposé after scaling up your Kafka cluster or changing the IDs of the Apache Kafka nodes.

Does Keksposé support KRaft-based Apache Kafka clusters?

Keksposé supports Kraft-based Apache Kafka cluster. However, it exposes the broker nodes only.

What access rights do I need to run Keksposé?

Running Keksposé requires the following access rights to your Kubernetes cluster:

  • Reading the Kafka and KafkaNodePool Strimzi resources from the selected namespace
  • Creating and deleting a Pod with the Kroxylicious proxy and a ConfigMap with configuration in the same namespace as the Kafka cluster runs
  • Needs to be able to forward ports from the proxy Pod

Does Keksposé work only with local Kubernetes clusters?

Keksposé was designed with focus on local Kubernetes environments such as Minikube, Kind, or Docker Desktop. But it can be used with any Kubernetes cluster regardless of how and where you run it.

Can the same Kafka cluster be exposed to multiple users in parallel?

Any user that has access to the Kubernetes cluster and the necessary rights can expose it. But in order to be able to expose the Kafka cluster, Keksposé has to deploy the proxy into the Kubernetes cluster. So if the same cluster should be exposed in parallel to multiple users, it is important that they each use their own value for the --kekspose-name option to make sure each user has a custom proxy instance.

What does the name Keksposé mean?

It is a combination of several words: Kafka, Expose ... and Keks (biscuit) because everyone likes them 😉.


Keksposé: Expose your Kafka cluster outside your Minikube, Kind, or Docker Desktop clusters







