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Simple class that allows the usage of Warface account with a session that takes care of the login and offers useful methods.


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Simple class that allows the usage of Warface account with a session that takes care of the login and offers useful methods.


  • steam library
  • lxml library
  • Python >= 3.6


Use the package manager pip to install wfaccountmanager.

pip install wfaccountmanager
pip install -U git+ # Live updated library


Upon object declaration you have to specify the region you will use tha account from. At the current time the only one supported are west,steam,russia. Then you can login with the credentials. You can also specify lang parameter which by default is en.

from wfaccountmanager import WFAccountManager

wf = WFAccountManager("west")


  • <>.login()

This method has different behaviour if you are using steam instead of west or russia.

# For west and russia
wf.login(account,password) # Returns content from /minigames/user/info
# Example output:
"state": "Success",
"data": {
    "state": "auth",
    "user_id": 9999999,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "username": "foobar",
    "token": "ioeqwinj5409i23490jkljfdslj2",
    "project": "wf",
    "territory": "pc"

Steam login() method will return a status code requiring you to put a 2FA code. Here's how to:

myLogin = wf.login("foobar","bestSniperEU") # Steam account
# {"status" : 0, "message" : "No 2FA required. Check user session"} this will happen to users with no security setup
# {"status" : 1, "message" : "Captcha Required", "url" : "capthca URL to resolve"}
# {"status" : 2, "message" : "Email code Required"}
# {"status" : 3, "message" : "Steamguard 2FA Required"}

wf.postSteam2FA("ASB1G") # Setting the 2FA gotten on the app, via mail or captcha
# returns /minigames/user/info

When using steam with the login() method the returned data will contain a steam key with inside the steamID the auth_token and steamguard_token which will allow you to login in a future session without user and password but by passing those parameters only. Note that if the Oauth2 keys are expired, the method will implicitly return an empty session.

wf.login(steamID="Your Steam OPENID",auth_token=token,steamguard_token=steamguard)
  • <>.user()

Returns the live data from /minigames/user/info useful to check if session expired for some reason.

wf.user() # Returns content from /minigames/user/info
# Example output:
"state": "Success",
"data": {
    "state": "auth",
    "user_id": 9999999,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "username": "foobar",
    "token": "ioeqwinj5409i23490jkljfdslj2",
    "project": "wf",
    "territory": "pc"
  • <>.get(url,headers=None,data=None,isJson=True)

With this you can HTTP GET custom URLs using the Warface session. You can pass headers and data which by default are not set. Furthermore you can return the output as plain text if you set isJson=False which is true by default. This method also includes a hidden shortcut that allows you to pass an URL string contraining $baseurl$ and it will replace it with the actual instance baseUrl

wf.get("", isJson=False)
  • <>.post(url,headers=None,data=None,isJson=True)

With this you can HTTP POST custom URLs using the Warface session. You can pass headers and data which by default are not set. Furthermore you can return the output as plain text if you set isJson=False which is true by default. This method also includes a hidden shortcut that allows you to pass an URL string contraining $baseurl$ and it will replace it with the actual instance baseUrl"")"https://$baseurl$/minigames/battlepass/box/open")


With version 0.0.3 the service manager sub classes were introduced. This is a cleaner way of using the library and it allows the user to call specific methods for a particular service instead of having way too many methods on the main class.


My Items manager that allows you to see the available game items for you to transfer and the available game profiles

  • <>.myitems.profiles

Static attribute that gives you the available profiles and shardIds for your account (Only available if <>.myitems.getUserProfiles() was called at least once during runtime, else returns an empty list)

# Example output
    "username": "foobar",
    "level": 93,
    "shard": "EU",
    "shardId": 1,
    "profileId": "11111"
    "username": "foofoo",
    "level": 70,
    "shard": "EU",
    "shardId": 1,
    "profileId": "2323232323"
  • <>.myitems.getUserProfiles()

Returns the same as the static attribute that gives you the available profiles and refreshes its cache

# Example output
    "username": "foobar",
    "level": 93,
    "shard": "EU",
    "shardId": 1,
    "profileId": "11111"
    "username": "foofoo",
    "level": 70,
    "shard": "EU",
    "shardId": 1,
    "profileId": "2323232323"
  • <>.myitems.list()

Returns the list of items you have available for transfer

# Example output, may differ based on item type but the base schema stays the same
      "title":"Walther P99",
      "title":"Warlord Boots",
  • <>.myitems.history()

Returns the list of items you transferred in-game

# Example output
    "promo_name":"Promo \"Origins\"",
      "title":"Armageddon Engineer Helmet",
      "title_fr":"Casque Armageddon pour Ingénieur",
      "title_de":"Ingenieurshelm Armageddon",
      "title_pl":"Hełm inżyniera Armageddon",
      "title_es":"Casco de ingeniero Armagedón",
      "title_tr":"Kıyamet Mühendis Miğferi",
      "title_pt":"Capacete de Engenheiro Armagedom",
      "title_ko":"아마게돈 엔지니어 헬멧",
    "promo_name":"Support service",
      "title":"Achievement Fan of Discord",
      "title_fr":"Réalisation Fan de Discord",
      "title_de":"Leistung Discord-Fan",
      "title_pl":"Osiągnięcie Fan Discordu",
      "title_es":"Achievement Fan of Discord",
      "title_tr":"Achievement Fan of Discord",
      "title_pt":"Conquista Fã do Discord",
      "title_cn":"Achievement Fan of Discord",
  • <>.myitems.transferItem(cartId, profileId, shardId, sendNotification = True)

Allows you to transfer items that are listed in the <>.myitems.list() result. All the parameters are mandatory except the notifications, you can choose if send them in-game or not.

# Example output
  "msg":"Sent to the selected server: Absolute AT308"


Battlepass inventory management class that implements the needed methods.

  • <>.inventory.list()

Native API that returns the content of the user battlepass inventory.

wf.inventory.list() # Returns content from /minigames/inventory/api/list ['data']['inventory']
  • <>.inventory.chars()

Native API that returns list of user in-game characters to which you can transfer items. Useful for <>.inventory.transfer() method

wf.inventory.chars() # Returns content from /minigames/craft/api/user-info ['data']['chars']
  • <>.inventory.transfer(server, item_id, amount=1, notification=False)

Method that allows the user to transfer items from the battlepass invetory to the game. Takes as arguments the server shardID (available from <>.inventory.chars()) and item ID (available from <>.inventory.list()). By default the amount is set to 1 and item will be transferred without in-game notification.

wf.inventory.transfer(1,6025) # Transfers 1 temporary golden scar H to server 1 which in my case it's EU
  • <>.inventory.lootDogToken()

Method that returns lootdog token. Probably for future use. Currenlty is blank.



  • <>.crafting.crates()

Returns the list of user crafting crates either awaiting to be opened or to be opened/collected.

# Example output
    "id": 48653619,
    "type": "silver",
    "state": "awaiting",
    "ended_at": -756216
    "id": 48654021,
    "type": "platinum",
    "state": "awaiting",
    "ended_at": -698615
    "id": 48654439,
    "type": "silver",
    "state": "awaiting",
    "ended_at": -756215
    "id": 48657667,
    "type": "silver",
    "state": "awaiting",
    "ended_at": -756215
  • <>.crafting.startCrate(crate_id)

Method that starts the crafting crate opening

  • <>.crafting.openCrate(crate_id)

Method that collects items from an opened crate

# Example output
  • <>.crafting.resources()

Method that returns list of user crafting resources

# Example output
"level": 1,
"amount": 14714
"level": 2,
"amount": 23913
"level": 3,
"amount": 10776
"level": 4,
"amount": 666
"level": 5,
"amount": 121
  • <>.crafting.slotCount()

Method that returns the amount of crafting slots the user has

# Example output


  • <>.marketplace.list()

Method that returns the list of items in the marketplace

  • <>, cost, type)

Method that allows to buy items from marketplace. Arguments are available in <>.marketplace.list() Most items have type = "inventory, 40, "inventory")
  • <>.marketplace.sell(item_id, cost, type)

Method that allows to sell in the marketplace. Arguments are available in <>.inventory.list()

wf.marketplace.sell(612, 40)
  • <>.marketplace.myOffers()

Method that returns the list of items that the user is currently selling

  • <>.marketplace.history()

Method that returns the selling/buying history of the user



  • <>.chests.list()

Method that returns the list of chests available for the user

  • <>.chests.keys()

Method that returns the dict of key chests owned by the user. Key is chest_id, value is the amount of keys for that chest.

  • <>

Method that opens user chests given the chest_id and returns the content of it.
# Example output
  "data": {
    "chests": [],
    "prize": {
      "type": "game_item",
      "value": {
        "id": "ar30_shop",
        "count": 1,
        "duration_type": "hour",
        "duration": 1
      "name": "FN FAL DSA-58"
  "state": "Success"


  • <>.me

It's basically the cached version of <>.user() to quickly access nickname and email.
# Example output
    "state": "auth",
    "user_id": 9999999,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "username": "foobar",
    "territory": "pc"


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Simple class that allows the usage of Warface account with a session that takes care of the login and offers useful methods.







Contributors 3

