I'm a B.Tech CSE 2nd year student specializing in AI/ML with a passion for UI/UX design and AI. I focus on building user-centric designs that solve real-world problems and make technology more accessible.
- 🌱 Currently learning: UI/UX concepts
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Sports ERP: Designed the entire front end on Figma for both mobile and desktop platforms, handling both user and admin interfaces.
- Developed features like equipment tracking, extension requests, and real-time notifications to streamline sports management.
- Optimized UI to improve usability and create a seamless experience for students, staff, and administrators.
HandFlow: A gesture recognition application that leverages computer vision to interpret hand movements for a variety of use cases, from virtual presentations to device control.
GovGuide Chatbot: Created an interactive chatbot for the Ministry of Justice’s website as part of my Smart India Hackathon (SIH) project using Botpress to help users easily navigate complex legal documentation.
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