d3heat - an interactive fixed-height and width heatmap with dendogram for EDGE display.
Currently the javascript code fetches with d3's d3.tsv
a three-column TSV file formatted as abundance values for a pair of taxa and project:
"Acetobacteraceae" "SRR059928" 0
"Cellulomonadaceae" "SRR059928" 0
"Mycoplasmataceae" "SRR059928" 0.02
"Clostridiaceae" "SRR059928" 0.01
"Dermacoccaceae" "SRR059928" 0.02
"Eubacteriaceae" "SRR059928" 0
and a newick-formatted file for the dendogram
The heatmap code is built upon D3.js, the demo webpage uses Bootstrap, jQuery, and Select2 plugin for a pretty formatting.