What is the Signature framework? Signature is a simple and fast MVC framework, written in PHP 7.0. It is designed to make web development easier, faster and more fun.
- An Apache web server with the mod_rewrite module enabled and configured
- PHP 7.0.x or newer
- A database like MySQL is highly recommended
Installing and setting up Signature framework is as simple as possible.
Clone from git://github.com/serens/Signature-Framework.git
into your document root of your new application, for instance /websites/signature/
. Your directory structure should like this now:
Create an Apache virtual host so that http://signature.local
will serve index.php
from the document root /websites/signature/
where you have cloned the repository several minutes before.
Now edit your hosts file so that the host signature.local
points to
Restart your Apache and open "http://signature.local" in your favorite browser. If your virtual host is set up correctly, you should now see the following screen.
Your first Signature framework Application is set up and running. Your next step may be to call http://signature.local/about/config/ to see your current configuration.
This is one of the configured default routes available after setting up Signature framework. It is supposed to provide a fast way to inspect your vital settings like routes, loaded modules and persistence status.