Send and receive OSC message in Blender Game Engine with python 3.4, on UDP,
easily, in an example.
class Receive only to receive and decode
class Send to send binary osc message or encoded string
class Client to send and receive, but without decoding.
String are latin-1 encoded and decoded.
ISO 8859-1 = ISO/CEI 8859-1 = Latin-1
To receive or send unicode string, don't use OSC.
Use listen_unicode() in to receive UDP data without OSC.
Send with socket.sendto(data, address)
and data = "your unicode string".encode('utf-8')
- python3.4 and more
- socket standard module
- pyOSCcodec:
- blender 2.69 and more
Tested on: Linux Mint 17
Ubuntu 14.04
You must install pd-extended
for example from
Run in terminal python3 run in subprocess:
- pd-extended the patch OSC-PureData-Blender-xy.pd
- blender
- connect in pure data
- [P] over Blender 3D View
- Move x y slider
Thanks to:
- Labomedia
blenderOSC is released under the GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.