Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC.
- Barcelona, Catalunya
- http://www.iri.upc.edu/people/sfoix/
git-merge Public
Forked from githubschool/git-mergeLet's learn about Git and GitHub
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
git-under-the-hood Public
Forked from git-school/git-under-the-hoodDemystifying what is inside of the .git folder
UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
tum_simulator Public
Forked from dougvk/tum_simulatorROS indigo compatible tum_simulator
C++ UpdatedApr 24, 2017 -
moveit_robots Public
Forked from moveit/moveit_robotsMoveIt! configurations for different robots
pcl Public
Forked from PointCloudLibrary/pclPoint Cloud Library (PCL)
C++ Other UpdatedOct 18, 2013 -
clam Public
Forked from davetcoleman/clamROS software for controlling 7-DOF custom robotic manipulator
C++ UpdatedJun 26, 2013 -
octomap Public
Forked from OctoMap/octomapAn Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
C++ UpdatedFeb 7, 2013 -
pmd_camcube_3_ros_pkg Public
Forked from pinaki2999/pmd_camcube_3_ros_pkgPMD Camcube 3.0 support for ROS.