Slang Graphics Library (sgl) is a modern, cross-platform graphics library written in C++ and Python.
sgl is available as pre-compiled wheels via PyPI. Installing sgl is as simple as running
pip install nv-sgl
python >= 3.9
The documentation is available on readthedocs.
sgl source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
sgl depends on the following third-party libraries, which have their own license:
- argparse (MIT)
- AsmJit (Zlib)
- BS::thread-pool (MIT)
- Dear ImGui (MIT)
- doctest (MIT)
- fmt (MIT)
- glfw3 (Zlib)
- libjpeg-turbo (BSD)
- libpng (libpng)
- nanobind (BSD)
- OpenEXR (BSD)
- pugixml (MIT)
- RenderDoc API (MIT)
- Slang (MIT)
- stb (MIT)
- tevclient (BSD)
- tinyexr (BSD)
- vcpkg (MIT)
- Vulkan-Headers (MIT)
sgl releases additionally include pre-built binaries of the following third-party components, which have their own license:
- DirectXShaderCompiler (LLVM Release License)
If you use sgl in a research project leading to a publication, please cite the project. The BibTex entry is:
title = {Slang Graphics Library},
author = {Simon Kallweit and Chris Cummings},
note = {},
version = {0.12.2},
year = 2024