- Download script executor
- Extract
- Run Executor
- Run roblox
- Inject with the latest api
- Copy and Paste Script
- Execute
- MainDab
- Flame+
- GR3NY V4
- R47$ploit V2
- Oxygen U
- KRNL (best free one but have to go through 5 linkvertise for key)
- Synapse X (best one, 15-20 dollars, paypal or bitcoin)
- Protosmasher (Free Trial or 15 dollars, paypal)
- Sentinel (Free Trial or 15 dollars, paypal)
- 0: Install tampermonkey
- 1: Download script from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/409156-linkvertise-bypass
- 1.2: Check that it actually installed properly
- 2: Bypass linkvertise
- 3: shit it not work
- 4: oh wait nvm, it just takes some time (15 sec)
- https://altgen.club
- https://www.shadowcheats.com/altgen
- enter in a game's id, player name to join, or vip link and you will automatically login into an alt into the game
- https://discord.com/invite/eCQgRzr6Q4
- command: hex!server {PlaceId}
- https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=1096604
- Become a dedicated asshole again..
- Add more scripts.
- Almost all of the scripts are not owned by o7
- too lazy to add credits
- Some scripts may not work with free executors